What's a Mom to Do?
I watched a mother, on the Montel Williams show, that has been in prison for the last 27 years because ‘her boyfriend’ killed her daughter. She has been sitting in prison for years undoubtedly blaming herself for not ‘standing up’ for her daughter. She has been led to believe that she should have fought the boyfriend with any and every ounce of her being to protect her daughter. I have no idea what the juvenile court system was like then, but ‘today’ it would not have made a bit of difference how hard she fought. The juvenile ‘justice’ system is designed to snatch children and fabricate stories after the fact. Today, if she had fought him … she would have lost her children because there is “domestic violence” in the home. If she failed to fight him, she still would have lost her children due to “failure to protect.” The ‘powers that be’ tell women not to stay in unhealthy relationships … they are encouraged to check into safety shelters, if necessary. Sounds good right? Not exactly, shelters are now required to ask moms a series of questions … to include, do you have an open Child Protective Services case? If you answer yes, they are required to report any ‘suspicion’ of abuse or negligent care by the mom while she’s in the shelter. And even if you do not have an open CPS case, you are watched closely for possible ‘signs’ that you may be abusive or negligent – after all, they are ‘mandated’ employees and are required to report even the smallest incidents. More than likely, you will be investigated by CPS just for checking into the shelter because there is a chance that you may lack the necessary ‘skills’ to raise your child (ren) i.e. the ability to get/keep a job, the ability to keep a roof over your head, homemaking skills, and definitely ‘alternatives to domestic violence.’ So I ask you, what the heck are moms suppose to do? Lord forbid you get involved with a man who either (1) lied to you about his criminal past and led you to believe that he either has no criminal past or he had a ‘minor’ brush with the law in the past. Or, (2) you become involved with a man who engaged in the ‘violent’ act of getting into a bar room brawl while in college 10 – 20 years prior. If the latter scenario applies, and your new beau spanks your child and the authorities get involved, you run the risk of losing your child(ren) because you knew about his ‘violent’ tendencies yet you continued your involvement with him. The bottom line is ... it is ‘open season’ on American families. If you choose to spank your child (ren), you have to explain your decision and methods to outsiders. If you choose to keep your child (ren) out of the horrific public school environment and home school them, you have to answer to outsiders. At seven days old, I chose ‘not’ to allow the hospital to inject dye (CT scan) into my daughters head and refused to allow them to perform a spinal tap on her without ‘first’ performing less invasive procedures. After much resistance, I demanded to have her transferred to a different hospital for a second opinion … which they ‘refused’ to allow me to take her from the hospital. I had to wait hours for a transport team to take her to the second hospital. As a result of my ‘refusal’ of the recommended medical ‘treatment,’ I had to explain my decision to no less than five different hospital staff members … to include a ‘twenty something year old’ social worker. It appears that without money in America … it no longer pays to have children. We no longer live in a society that honors and values parents’ rights and everything you do, as a parent, is ‘suspect.’ If you have any doubt about the enormity of this problem, click on the link “Petition to Oprah” at www.fightcps.com -- there are almost 3,000 signatures on the petition, when the goal was 1,000. Please read comment #2,804 written by A Hampton on May 15th at 7:27 pm.
If the government has the ‘right’ to tell parents how to raise their children, minus the presence of abuse and/or neglect, then it should also support us financially.
We as parents are no longer able to raise the children that God gave us, without unnecessary government interference and intrusion; Therefore, it is my suggestion that welfare reform be completely overhauled. There should not be a five year limit on government benefits, and parents should be allowed to sit on welfare indefinitely. Why should we get up everyday, go to work, pay taxes, and live as upstanding citizens of this country; Yet, we are unable to parent our children -- This, might I add, without ever being charged or convicted of a crime!
Recently I read an article titled A Mother’s Day Report Card: The Best and Worst – Countries to Be a Mother. Needless to say, the United States was in the top 10. It truly amazes me that Americans have such a distorted view of what life is ‘really’ like in the U.S. Perhaps this is due in part to the strong media influence or our inability or failure to verify facts before accepting them as truth.
I was truly incensed by the article. The writer basically compared life in undeveloped countries to that in developed countries. He wrote about the high percentage of maternal and infant mortality rates in undeveloped countries, while ignoring the fact that thousands of mothers in the U.S. are giving birth to 'healthy babies' just to have them 'legally' kidnapped by their own government! Our children are being kidnapped from loving parents with tons of extended family members and 'sold to the highest bidder.' Parents are losing their 'healthy babies' to a very broken and corrupt system because of dirty dishes in the sink, failure to immunize their children in a 'timely' manner, the baby fell from a defective infant swing, the mothers boyfriend slapped her or was 'verbally' abusive, the parents failed to 'child proof ' their home and the baby drank something it should not have and as a result was rushed to the emergency room ... I could go on and on. The fact is, American children and their parents are no longer safe in their own country. There appears to be an attack on the ‘traditional family unit,’ although the government and society encourages ‘civil’ unions.
The writer reported on children, under five years of age, suffering from moderate to severe nutritional wasting; well, what about the tons of children that are dying in foster and group homes each year. What about the children in state custody, due to false allegations launched by a crooked cop or overworked/underpaid social worker. While in the states' care, many of our children are needlessly wasting away on mind-altering psychotropic drugs. The writer also touched on the percentage of women giving birth with the assistance of skilled personnel in certain countries -- what about moms, in the United States, who are forced to run and hide while delivering children in non-sterile environments for fear that the state will kidnap 'yet another' one of their children. Some mothers are lucky to survive childbirth right here in the U.S. The writer also claims to "Know what it takes to help these mothers and children survive and thrive,” in developing countries. Perhaps we can all put our heads together and figure out 'how to help our mothers and children survive and thrive' under the current government oppression and abuse here in the U.S.
Although I am happy to know that organizations like Save the Children are working with communities and governments to provide beneficial programs for mothers and children in developing countries; I would like to see Save the Children ... SAVE OUR CHILDREN! I would like to see Safe Kids and other organizations participate in efforts to remove government tyranny and truly provide a safe environment for American children and their families.
It was also written that "Life is not easy for mothers and children in the bottom ranked countries." Might I suggest that we lower our binoculars and stop looking abroad for 'international human rights abuse and issues' and start paying attention to the DOMESTIC human rights issues right here in our own backyard. I am FED UP with our government officials 'globe trotting' preaching democracy and diplomacy when the U.S. is as screwy as a cork screw.
Last but not least, the writer made a comparison between mothers in Sweden to those in Ethiopia … which I thought was simply ludicrous! To imply that there is some underlying correlation between literacy and infant mortality is sad and deeply disturbing. Until we put down our cell phones, blackberrys, bottled water, notebooks, charge cards, and spend a few years in Ethiopia … we will ‘never’ know what life is like for moms’ in that region. It is then, and only then, will we truly understand ‘why’ 37% of Ethiopian mothers are forced to watch their babies die in the first year of life … trust me, literacy has NOTHING to do with it.
Perhaps at the next local congressional hearing a child welfare advocate will speak on the need for juvenile ‘justice’ reform. It is time that we all come together and insist that our government ‘immediately’ stop turning a blind eye to the unconstitutional and often criminal behavior occurring in our juvenile and family courts. How can we expect foreigners to view us in a favorable light, when our own citizens are ashamed of what we have become. It is not until peace, happiness, and respect are restored ‘at home’ that others will once again view us favorably.
T Major,
Mom victimized by
Child Protective Services Laws
If you believe that foster care should be reserved for children that are orphaned, or have TRULY been abandoned by their parents and ALL extended family members; If you believe that children in foster care should actually be victims of abuse and/or neglect, once proven by a judge and jury NOT a social worker with a God complex; If you believe in the Constitution and civil rights for all, no matter what their economic, social, or cultural group may be – Please sign the petitions referenced at www.squidoo.com/abolishcps/ (scroll down to Get Involved!!!). Thank you in advance for your participation!
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