Life Goes On ...
Well today is Friday, June 30, 2006 and while preparing to contact Oprah, Montel, Dr. Phil, and ABC News affiliates ONCE AGAIN, NBC4 News here in California just reported the death of ANOTHER foster child killed while in the "protective" custody of our state.
Please see:,,
In an attempt to bring awareness to the silent and often shameful pandemic ravishing our nation ... which is foster care and juvenile court injustice, I have intentionally and consistently contacted the aforementioned talk shows REPEATEDLY. Now that foster care awareness has officially come to an end, I guess I will give Oprah, Montel, and the other powerful forces of main stream media a much needed break from my rants. Nevertheless this vicious, out of control, loosely manned, unconstitutional and criminal organization that is foster care/Child "Protective" Services must be stopped!
Just curious ... will the state NOW charge the foster "mother" with neglect due to her inability to supervise and therefore protect this child? Will she be charged for allowing this baby to ride her tricycle at night, in the street, without adequate supervision? The last time I checked MTA buses operate on city streets ... not sidewalks! So it goes without saying that this child was riding her tricycle, unsupervised, on a city street. According to a witness, the toddler did not have brakes and “… she rode down the hill, right in front of the bus …” (see: I guess we will have to wait to find out why she was initially removed from her home and her mother's care to begin with -- I sure hope it wasn't dirty dishes!
While watching one of the video links above I noticed that NBC4, in its report on the now deceased toddler, sent condolences to the foster "mother." Never once were sympathetic words sent to this child's biological mother, father, grandmother, aunts, uncles, and the extended family members and friends who undoubtedly fought for custody of this child but was probably denied. I am sure that her family fought for custody prior to the states decision to place her in the home of strangers -- just as my family fought for my son, but was "denied." How incredibly sad!
I can only imagine the anger and rage this child's actual mother and family must be feeling right now. Yet another name to be added to the tomb at
Unfortunately this child's story has been reported, people have discussed it, she will be added to several statistical lists, and life goes on! I wonder when life will stop just long enough for us to realize that THIS MUST STOP! Our government must immediately put an end to supporting the rape, murder, molestation, abuse and neglect of innocent children. Our government must immediately put an end to supporting the destruction and slaughter of American families and often innocent lives. Until our busy lives slow down just enough to examine, correct, and eliminate the corruption and injustice within our family and juvenile courts, parents like myself will continue to work tirelessly. We will continue to fight and SPEAK OUT about this gross injustice!
KNOW THIS CHILD "PROTECTIVE" SERVICES we will continue to share with the world what is taking place behind your veil of secrecy. And WE WILL open wide the closed doors of the juvenile and family courts ... exposing the criminal and unconstitutional acts of your partners in crime and your co-conspirators! Most importantly, WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED.
[UPDATE July 2, 2006]
The 4-year-old toddler has been identified as Rita Foster. It appears that her death has been declared “nobody’s fault,” according to an initial investigation. A spokeswoman for the Pasadena Police Department said “no one would be cited.” This although Rita had been allowed to ride down a sloping driveway but was “supposed to turn onto a sidewalk,” to avoid a potentially dangerous outcome. So although her care giver allowed her to play Russian roulette with her little life … knowing full well what could happen if she failed to make the required turn onto the sidewalk, no one will be cited ... interesting! Pasadena P.D. spokeswoman, Janet Pope Givens, would also state that there was “no indication that negligence was involved.” GIVE ME A BREAK! People have lost their biological children for far less … myself included! (See
Perhaps because the foster “mother” was “exceptionally shaken up,” sympathy is being extended and her clear and obvious negligence is being excused. I guess it pays to be a foster parent and not a biological one!,1,6260379.story?ctrack=1&cset=true
If you believe that foster care should be reserved for children that are orphaned, or have TRULY been abandoned by their parents and ALL extended family members; If you believe that children in foster care should actually be victims of abuse and/or neglect, once proven by a judge and jury NOT a social worker with a God complex; If you believe in the Constitution and civil rights for all, no matter what their economic, social, or cultural group may be – Please sign the petitions referenced at (scroll down to Get Involved!!!). Thank you in advance for your participation!
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