Placer County California CPS Victim
I read your story at, and I wanted to share a little about my family's story with you. (I will try to be brief, as we have a federal lawsuit against the county at this time)
On Jan 31, 2005 my eldest son (8 at the time) poured ice in my youngest son's diaper (who was 15 mos. then) and I sent him to his room. My husband heard me, and went to talk to him. Later when my son came out from his room, I saw a mark on his nose. He told me that his dad pinched him on the nose for rolling his eyes at him. The next day, Feb 1, 2005, my son didn't come home from school. I called the school to see if he missed the bus. Secretary says no he's here, hold on. Policeman gets on the phone, I ask if my son is in trouble for something (we got calls from the school quite a bit) no he's fine, he's here we’ll be right over. Cops show up w/out my son, question my husband and then handcuff him. Cop hands me Social Worker’s (SW) business card and says call this caseworker, and your son is at the number on the back. I had to call SW and leave messages, etc. So the county takes our son with no investigation, no interview with us (which is mandatory, according to their manual) I answered a few questions from SW hours later, over the phone, after I left her messages, and after they detained my son in the county shelter. My answers should have cleared things up, and she told me "your son may come home on Friday if the judge so orders." I go to court 3 days later, and find out that I am charged too. They charged my husband with "trying to kill my son" by pinching his nose, charged me with "failure to protect" and I did not witness the alleged incident. They lied in their statements (they said that my son was also kicked, punched and slapped.... I guess those marks were invisible?...) they left out statements, changed statements, would not send him to stay with our family, threatened to adopt out both of our kids. They would not give us a trial, made threats to drag out hearings or trial if we did not comply (i.e. take classes, etc) Our "defense" attorneys did nothing for us, and would not fight them. So after 3 months, I tell the caseworker, if my son doesn't come home, that their "concerns" better hold up in a federal court, so he is returned to us a few days later. We hired a great attorney (finally!) and filed suit against them. We moved a few months later, out of California.
Well, they called our attorney after receiving the claim, and said "we have jurisdiction over the kids" and we want to see them and “we will issue warrants to come and get them." We haven't seen anyone come for them yet. (and I pray not) Well so far so good. The federal case was accepted, and they whined and requested it be thrown out, blah blah, blah "we have immunity" etc. Well the federal judge denied their dismissal request and he also pulled their immunities. They had to hire a real attorney after the hearing, because they had sent an incompetent County Counsel attorney from the county to represent them in federal court! Not much has happened since. The county is stalling, trying to avoid the inevitable. The county we were living in, is always getting sued for violating rights, and they always lose or settle out of court.
Take care,
Anonymous mom and
previous resident of Placer County California
If you believe that foster care should be reserved for children that are orphaned, or have TRULY been abandoned by their parents and ALL extended family members; If you believe that children in foster care should actually be victims of abuse and/or neglect, once proven by a judge and jury NOT a social worker with a God complex; If you believe in the Constitution and civil rights for all, no matter what their economic, social, or cultural group may be – Please sign the petitions referenced at (scroll down to Get Involved!!!). Thank you in advance for your participation!
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