Burns, Bruises, Broken Clavicle, Signs of Sexual Abuse, and TWO Black-Eyes -- Now THAT'S what I Call Abuse!!!
Although I am not a doctor, it appears to me that two-year-old Isaac Lethbridge did not stand a chance of survival. According to documents from Detroit’s Wayne County Juvenile Court, little Isaac suffered a violent death. Here are a few of his injuries, as described in several published reports: second degree burns on 80% of his chest, abdomen, and head; a broken clavicle; a fresh bruise on his forehead and right ear; bruises around his ankle; he was covered with greenish, blue and black bruises; there were signs of sexual abuse; and he had TWO black eyes.
Obviously, this child’s injuries could not have gone unnoticed by the foster care agency and CPS social workers, who conduct “regular” checks on our little “abused and neglected” children once thrown into the homes of strangers, all 500,000+ that are in the foster care system here in the U.S. Well, just 12 days before little Isaac was allegedly beaten to death in his Detroit foster home, two social workers noted in their reports that he was covered with “greenish, blue and black” bruises. How do you think the social workers at the foster care agency, who are always acting in “the child’s best interest” handled the possible abuse of little Isaac? According to published reports, they returned him to his handsomely paid, female foster care provider, Charlise Adams-Rogers. Not only was he simply returned “home,” but they also failed to report the suspected abuse to CPS, according to the same report.
If the above is true, I would personally like to ask each and everyone of you reading this child’s story to write a letter to the Department of Human Services (DHS) for Wayne County, in Detroit Michigan and request that every, single, social worker, case manager, supervisor, etc. be immediately terminated from their positions; Reason being, they are mandated employees – and therefore, sworn and required by law to report abuse … not just at work, but at home, in their neighborhoods, and any and everywhere they witness abuse taking place. If you would like to send a letter but have trouble locating their postal or email address, just send me an email and I will give it to you. It is time that these mandated employees learn and appreciate the importance and seriousness of their chosen professions. These children SHOULD NOT be just a regular paycheck for them … or assurance of good government benefits and perks.
Five days after being sent back to the foster home, and two days after hearing about Isaac’s injuries, a foster care agency employee went out to check on little Isaac, if you can believe her report. According to this worker, she “did not see any marks other than a light bruise on his forehead.” Although the Medical Examiner states that Isaac died of “blunt-force injuries to his head and body." I personally do not believe she actually took a trip to the foster home to check on Isaac’s wellbeing. I think in typical social worker fashion, she simply falsified the report to give the appearance that she had visited with Isaac, closed the inquiry, and moved on to the next case. Most social workers are LESS interested in the welfare of the child, and MORE interested in trying to punish the child’s parents for “non compliance.” Who knows, maybe their personal feelings about the parents directly affects their feelings about the child – and this, more often than not, will determine just how interested they are in the child’s wellbeing.
Adams-Rogers, acting as one of many team players on team CPS, blamed Isaac’s head injury on his biological parents – which according to her, Isaac suffered said injury during a “supervised” visit with his parents while playing at McDonalds. I assume the child’s case manager, who supervised the visit between Isaac and his biological parents, was not aware of the story told by Adams-Rogers, before submitting her report. Because according to the case manager, she personally supervised the visit and did not report witnessing Isaac’s unapparent injury. One can only assume that Isaac’s death caught both CPS and the foster care agency off-guard; or needless to say, the case managers report would have been “altered” to support the allegations launched by Adams-Rogers against little Isaac’s parents. You would have to have had the misfortune of dealing with CPS, personally, to truly understand how they operate.
The female foster care provider claims to have found little Isaac in an “unresponsive” state, 45 minutes after putting him down for a nap. She also confirms that there were nine other people in the home at the time of this child’s demise, but she does not know what happened to cause Isaac's death – this, also according to published reports. Detroit police are investigating all nine people that were in the home at the time of the “incident.”
Present, but mysteriously unaware of the cause of little Isaac’s death was the 41-year-old son of Adams-Rogers; her 16 and 19-year-old grandsons; her 18-year-old adopted daughter; and two additional adults. This reminds me of the second foster home my son was thrown into; He was nine-years-old before being placed in foster incarceration. He was nine, sheltered, innocent, naïve, trusting, babyish, and an only child. So what “safe” environment do you think CPS chose for my son? He was placed in the home of ten strangers! This overcrowded home included two adults and eight children … six of whom were teenagers! My son was the youngest child in this Latino household and the only Black! Sorry, I have a tendency to digress – now back to little Isaac.
The only ray of sunshine in this tragic story is that the female foster care provider’s adopted children were removed, within a week of Isaac’s death, and placed elsewhere. I can just imagine the torture these children have been forced to endure over the years. The Department of Human Services has filed a petition to terminate Adams-Rogers’ parental rights. YIPPIEE!!! She should never be able to “care” for another child, dog, cat, nor rat!
When her own 15-year-old foster "daughter" ran away from home seeking help and safety from the Stewart Center foster care agency, do you think the agency helped her? Remember, foster care agencies always do what is in the “best interest of the child.” Well, lets see … the 15-year-old ran to the agency, which was 1.5 miles away, and reported abuse in the home. She told the agency workers that Adams-Rogers had whipped her 12-year-old adopted daughter, and she was afraid to return to the home. The whipping must have been so severe that this child feared for her own safety and fled the home -- these events courtesy of several published reports. How did the agency respond to this child’s plea for help? They contacted the alleged abuser, Adams-Rogers, and asked her was she abusing her adopted child. Naturally, she denied abusing the child. And get this, according to reports, she also refused to come pick-up her little whistle blower from the agency! I can just hear this foster “mother” now … if she walked her tail down there, then she can walk her tail back! So after realizing the female foster care provider was not going to come pick the child up, the agency … acting in the welfare, safety, and best interest of this child, drove the 15-year-old home – right? Nope, think again! The agency worker “instructed the 15-year-old foster child to walk back to” the home ALONE. It appears that whippings are only serious when administered by “biological” parents and not the foster care providers. And once again, no one at the agency reported the incident to CPS … which by the way, they are ONLY required by law to do. But I guess when you’re rolling the dice with someone’s children, besides your own, there is no urgency or demand for immediate action.
Naturally, DHS and administrators at the Stewart Center are not talking. What’s the matter, cats got your tongue??!! I guess they only have a lot to say when under oath in a juvenile courtroom, lying to the judge, because they are protected by immunity.
Here are just a few of the things known about Adams-Rogers, according to court documents dating back to 1999 and according to reports unearthed by Free Press reporters -- #1: There were complaints of abuse and neglect of her own children and foster children. #2: Although her home only has three bedrooms, actually two … if you exclude the bedroom occupied by Adams-Rogers, her foster care license “with the center since 2002” allowed this woman to operate a “foster family group home with a capacity for six children.” Now, you tell me where in the heck all of these folks were going to sleep … on sleeping bags throughout the house? #3: “Placing medically fragile children or children with emotional disorders” in this home “would not be appropriate.” Nevertheless, this female foster care provider was allowed to adopt two foster children earlier that year. Both children, ages 12 and 18, have behavioral and emotional problems – according to Wayne county family court reports. And last but not least, licensing reports indicate that there was inadequate supervision of Adams-Rogers home by the Stewart Center Agency.
To read additional details of the incompetence, ineptness, and lack of genuine concern about the children under Adams-Rogers’ care, and by those sworn to protect them, simply click on the title to this excerpt. I also recommend that you read: http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2006608290417.
If you believe that foster care should be reserved for children that are orphaned, or have TRULY been abandoned by their parents and ALL extended family members; If you believe that children in foster care should actually be victims of abuse and/or neglect, once proven by a judge and jury NOT a social worker with a God complex; If you believe in the Constitution and civil rights for all, no matter what their economic, social, or cultural group may be – Please sign the petitions referenced at www.squidoo.com/abolishcps/ (scroll down to Get Involved!!!). Thank you in advance for your participation!