Cries for Help Ignored
Ruth Tamas and Estera were living in the foster home of Enrique Fabregas. Fabregas, according to a newspaper report by the Seattle PI, is a Christian and sings in the church choir. What better foster "parent" could a child ask for -- right? After all, social workers must be extremely careful when choosing complete strangers to replace the parents God already gave them. But what happens when a simple background check fails to reveal the true character of a potential foster parent? And, can you really determine a persons future behavior based solely on their past behavior? If the foster parent has never been arrested, even though he or she may have graduated from High School only three years earlier, should this be the determining factor when deciding to place innocent children in their home? Before you answer, ask yourself this question: Would the current standards suffice if you were making decisions that would affect your own children? And, if there are red flags to indicate that the potential foster "parent" has previously battled drugs and/or alcohol addiction, do you place a child in their home? Once again, I ask you to think about your own children before answering.
Some may feel that if biological parents are given a second or third chance at recovery, shouldn't foster parents be given the same? I personally feel that foster parents should be of exemplary character and of sound mind. Just as we expect those running for political office to have lived a blemish-free life, so should the requirement be for foster parents. Is it fair to hold foster parents to higher standards than biological parents? Absolutely!! If children are removed from their homes, schools, family, and friends, because they were being "abused or neglected" at home or their parents are drug abusers, then they should be placed in safe environments free from the same type of abuse and neglect experienced at home ... assuming there are no extended family members to take the child. It makes absolutely no sense to remove a child from a home with parents who are addicted to drugs or alcohol ... and place them in another home with foster parents that are/have battled the same demons. Nor does it make sense to take a child from their parents home because the parents are unable to pay their utility bills and place them in a foster home with people that are living paycheck to paycheck or will rely solely on their monthly foster care grant for survival. Why not give that money to the biological family and leave the child with his parents.
Lets be honest here ... many, many, many, foster parents are simply fostering children as a means to supplement their meager household incomes. This has become a quick way for many women to stay home with their children and to earn money. It has become a quick way for wives to supplement their husbands income. And due to welfare reform, it has become a quick way for "welfare queens" to stay home while still collecting a check from the government. Are there foster parents out there that foster children for the love of children? Of course, but they are few and far-between. They are definitely a rare commodity ... like finding a lawyer or politician that does not lie!!
My personal thoughts from above have hopefully set the foundation for Ruth Tamas' story. According to published reports, Ruth tried for many years to alert authorities that her foster care giver, 52 year old Enrique Fabregas, was "physically abusing her and sexually assaulting her older sister." You would think social workers would react like a hairline trigger and immediately remove the sisters from this foster home -- which I GUARANTEE YOU would have happened if these girls were being physically or sexually assaulted in their biological parent's home. Yet, the abuse is reported for YEARS to these mandated employees, who simply dismiss Ruth's claims because they "never believed her." Very Interesting!! Not only is it interesting that the girls were left in this home ... but it is unbelievably interesting that the mandated social workers did not report the alleged physical and sexual abuse to local law enforcement. If the abuse was reported to the police, when was it reported and why were they forced to endure the abuse for years?
Acting on a tip, the police finally moved in and when they did, they found "piles of child pornography and explicit videotapes, most of which depicted the children in his care." Based on the evidence, Fabregas was reportedly arrested at his church. Relief and disgust are the published words used to describe Ruth's feelings ... "disgust for state authorities who had ignored her complaints ... All of them said I was lying ... He belongs in jail until he rots ... He ruined so many peoples' lives."
Child "welfare" authorities reportedly admitted to receiving eight complaints, of a sexual nature, against Fabregas while the girls were under his care -- Yet the girls would remain in his home for two years. It was not until Fabregas refused to take a sexual-deviancy evaluation that the girls were placed elsewhere. In what has become typical CPS modus operandi, reports of abuse and the welfare of children under the jurisdiction of the state ARE NOT priority. Once children have been seized and removed from their parent's care, the federal funding begins and nothing else seems to matter!!! It is not until Fabregas and other foster parents refuse the direct orders of their social worker, display a non-compliant attitude, or refuse to be dishonest, that immediate action is taken. This is also the case with biological parents -- nothing upsets a social worker more than a parent refusing to listen, fighting for their Constitutional and civil rights, or refusing to follow their orders; Child safety IS NOT their first priority -- degrading, belittling, destroying parents, and making money are their top priorities!!
Oddly enough, although authorities finally removed the two sisters, a third girl was allowed to remain in his care. This child was not a ward of the state and had been adopted by Fabregas ... so according to a spokeswoman for the Department of Social and Health Services, they "had no grounds to take action." As logic would lead any rational person to suspect and anticipate, this little girl would also report "incidents of sexual assault." Lets examine this more closely ... the girls were taken from their biological mother, for God only knows what reason, and placed with Fabregas. Having lost my child for reasons previously stated, I find it extremely difficult to comprehend their decision to allow two girls to remain in his care for years, completely ignoring their cries for help. Not only did they leave the girls in his home ... but they would also leave the third child in his home after the other children were removed! I will never completely understand the sick world of child "protection." The more you read, research, and discover, the more you realize that child protection and juvenile justice are two of the most destructive forces on U.S. soil.
Some may even find it questionable to place little girls in the foster home of a single man. But in a society that emphasizes "political correctness," this is not an issue that we are allowed to raise. Foster care appears to be a breading ground or shopping center for pedophiles, socio/psychopaths, and other degenerates ... giving them easy access to children, and the ability to profit monetarily from their abuse. But here is the statement that strikes a cord with me: "Unless we have enough information to take to court ... it's really difficult for us to remove a biological or adopted child." OH MY GOD ... this is the BIGGEST lie ever told!!! Just sit down, talk to me, talk to my son being held in foster incarceration, talk to the thousands of other parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, that have lost children to these greedy, money loving, self-serving, couldn't care less about children, lying PIMPS that exploit children, working both for and with CPS!!!
I can't speak for others, but in "my case" CPS and the local authorities KNEW they had no right to remove my son ... so what did they do? They created a bunch of lies and statements AFTER removing my son. They falsified documents, worked hand-in-hand with the District Attorney's office and local police, to prevent being held accountable for their actions. Naturally, the various players in this clever kidnapping scam corroborated each other's lies! As long as I am Black and a woman, which I will be both for the rest of my life, I don't think I'll ever experience anything like this again ... IT IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! I am FOREVER changed by this experience, as is my child, and our lives!! I have yet to tell our complete story, but I trust and believe that it will be told one day. But I will say this ... I have faith that each and every single individual that participated in the kidnapping of my child, as well as the kidnapping of other children here in the U.S. and abroad, will one day be held accountable for their actions. If they are not held accountable, then God is a liar ... and it is impossible for God to lie!! Now back to Ruth and Estera.
Fabregas, according to published reports, had a "drug-related criminal history" before becoming a foster parent. This, based on rational thinking and logic, should have prevented him from becoming both a foster and adoptive parent. Yet, the lovely folks in child "protection" felt that Fabregas "completed enough treatment" to earn a "certificate of rehabilitation." I have met biological parents that jumped through every CPS hoop set before them, but their children were not returned to them. Why is a simple certificate of rehabilitation sufficient enough for strangers/foster parents but not biological parents? I'll tell you why ... because returning children to their biological parents does not generate an adoption bonus from the federal government!!
After leaving Fabregas' home, tough as nails Ruth still fought for justice. Good for her! She continued reporting the abuse to other adults and even told them she had seen a "videotape of Fabregas having sex with her older sister, Estera." I assume this is what made the adults in her life pay attention. Not only was this freak allegedly videotaping his sexual escapades but it has been reported that he "began dressing Estera ... in lingerie and photographing her in sexually suggestive posses."
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Our Personal Story:
[My Daughter Was Also Adopted By An Unmarried Man]
It breaks my heart to think about the trauma that state officials have inflicted on my youngest child; First, by taking her from me and placing her with her biological father knowing that he has mental issues. They would then use his mental issues to remove her from his custody and place her in foster care. Next, she would be removed from the foster home and placed in a foster-to-adopt home. She was then adopted 15 months later, although I was allowed to keep my other two children. My daughter was taunted and used by malicious, greedy, state officials, for federal funds, bonuses, and reward money. She was adopted and forced to live with other adopted children when she has biological siblings who are at home being raised by me.
My child is now living with an unmarried man who is being paid by the state to care for her and three other adopted girls. This single "dad" has been allowed to adopt our daughters while collecting a state subsidy for each of them. I cry out to our politicians for help ... help to release my daughter from her fate and to return her home to her mother where she belongs.
State officials have justified the removal and subsequent adoption by saying that we no longer had a bond so there was no reason to return her to me, her mother. Why is it so hard for state officials to step-up to the plate and do the right thing?
If you believe that foster care should be reserved for children that are orphaned, or have TRULY been abandoned by their parents and ALL extended family members; If you believe that children in foster care should actually be victims of abuse and/or neglect, once proven by a judge and jury NOT a social worker with a God complex; If you believe in the Constitution and civil rights for all, no matter what their economic, social, or cultural group may be – Please sign the petitions referenced at (scroll down to Get Involved!!!). Thank you in advance for your participation!
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