The Truth about U.S. Foster Care

Exposing the injustice, corruption, criminal, and unconstitutional acts of Child Protective Service Agencies and the Juvenile Court - Please see:;;; and

My Photo

Hi, this is Ty and he was "legally" kidnapped by CPS on January 1, 2005. To view his photo log, please visit As his mother, I will continue praying and fighting until he is returned home. To see what you can do to help put an end to family and juvenile court injustice, please visit There are several petitions that you can sign and a host of additional information. Working together we can end the abuse of power, lack of employee accountability, and remove the umbrella of immunity that shields their deliberate and intentional felony acts! If you feel that the decision to remove your children was based on race, please reflect on the beautiful and encouraging words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: “I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality. I believe that ‘unarmed’ … truth and unconditional love will have the final word.” IF YOU HAVE A PERSONAL STORY TO SHARE, PLEASE SEND TO:

Monday, December 04, 2006

Foster Father is a Sexual Predator

While researching juvenile "justice," I stumbled on a very interesting yet disturbing article. Although its an older article, it shows the genuine concern, care, and desire to ensure the safety of children in the foster care system by those paid to "protect" them. Well, let's explore.

A 5-year-old child was taken from her home for God only knows what reason and placed into a foster home. But, this was not just any foster home. Baby Girl X, a name assigned to her by me, was placed in the home of a known sexual predator. Before I go any further ... I know what you're thinking -- But the county could not have known that there was a sexual predator living in the home ... or they NEVER would have placed Baby Girl X there. Well, let's continue to explore.

The decision to place the child in this home was such a poor decision that even the county's child protection agency was against the placement. Children, Youth and Families (CYF) pled with the Judge to move the child -- but he felt "the child was in the best place she could be right now." This, although the foster father had "impregnated his own 13-year-old daughter!" Yes, this foster "father" pled guilty to sodomy and incest before being allowed to "protect" little "abused and neglected" children ... many of whom were abused by people JUST like him! In addition to this seemingly unimportant little fact, Baby Girl X had already been sexually abused in a previous foster home! Let's not overlook one important detail here ... at the time of this debate, the child was only five! With this much abuse one would expect to be reading about a 15-year-old.


All details of my report courtesy of published reports.

For more RIDICUOUS details about this case, please visit -- For your convenience, you may simply click on this story's title above.

For those of you reading this story from 1998 thinking, as I did, this could NEVER happen in 2006 -- think again! Actually, don't think ... read: Known Sexual Abuser Living in Foster Home at

If you believe that foster care should be reserved for children that are orphaned, or have TRULY been abandoned by their parents and ALL extended family members; If you believe that children in foster care should actually be victims of abuse and/or neglect, once proven by a judge and jury NOT a social worker with a God complex; If you believe in the Constitution and civil rights for all, no matter what their economic, social, or cultural group may be – Please sign the petitions referenced at (scroll down to Get Involved!!!). Thank you in advance for your participation!