Unpaid Utility Bills/Dirty House Results in Dead Child
Sean Paddock was initially taken from his parents by Child Protective Services (CPS) because they "struggled to pay utility bills and couldn't keep a neat home." In typical CPS and juvenile court fashion, this child's biological father would later be charged and convicted of abusing Sean's siblings. Like a snowball traveling down the snowy mountainside ... so are the tactics used by CPS to cause the avalanche that most families never recover from. Does anyone, besides me, find it interesting that this child's father went from being unable to "pay utility bills" and to keep a clean house ... to being charged and convicted of abuse. How did these parents go from being "neglectful" parents to being "abusive" parents? The answer to this question is clear for those of us on the receiving end of this agency's wrath. Once your children have been seized, and placed into the "protective" custody of CPS, they then sound the alarm and shout .. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!! And begin they do! They pry into EVERY SINGLE nook and cranny of your life attempting to "build-a-case" against you. My personal feelings are ... if you had a case, IT WOULD BUILD ITSELF! Nevertheless, whatever information they can dig up, will be used against you ... even if the events unearthed occurred YEARS before you had your children! Whatever they can use to make you appear to be unfit, insane, neglectful or "abusive" ... they will use it (see www.squidoo.com/abolishcps/ "Letters of Frustration" and scroll down to But He Wasn't Even Born Yet). Not only will they use information that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with your ability to parent your children ... but they will also share this information, although a violation of privacy laws, with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, distant relatives, and anyone that will listen to their "truths." Now, let's get back to Sean.
I WILL NOT refer to him as Sean PADDOCK ... because this is not the name given to him by HIS MOTHER. Although the courts may have terminated their "parental rights," I will still recognize and acknowledge their God given right to parent the children assigned to them by a greater and more powerful Judge. So, he will be referred to by his first name ONLY throughout this story. His first name may or may not have been Sean ... who knows? But I refuse to refer to this child by the last name of his killer. Yes, I said his killer. You see, 4-year-old Sean was allegedly killed by his adoptive caregiver (I refuse to say "mother"), Lynn Paddock. Forty-five year old Lynn has been charged with "murder" in Sean's death. In addition to allegedly killing Sean, she has also been charged with felony child abuse because she "beat Sean and his siblings with plastic plumbing pipes."
It was reported that Sean was suffocated, by Lynn, after "being bound tightly in blankets"-- a form of punishment often administered in the Paddock's home. Here's what baffles me ... if Sean was in foster care prior to being adopted by the Paddocks and there were possible signs of abuse at the hands of these prospective "parents," why were the Paddocks allowed to adopt this child (research adoption bonuses and incentives). Reportedly, Sean was beaten at the Paddock's home ... seven months before they were allowed to adopt him. According to released reports, he returned from the Paddock's home with a "bruise on his backside." In what may have very well been a "cover up" of actual events, Lynn said Sean "fell from a bunk bed." However, little Sean's version of events were different; He reported to social workers that he had been "whipped" in the Paddock's bathroom for "playing with the family dog." Acting in the "best interest of the child," social workers decided to err on the side of caution -- right? Nope, think again -- they "investigated" and decided to ignore the events, as told by 4-year-old Sean, and to believe Lynn -- a mistake that I believe ultimately cost this child his life. My niece is two-years-old and speaks very well ... and will tell her mother everything that her brothers and others have said or done that she feels is inappropriate. Unless this child was developmentally challenged, unable to speak AND unable to communicate in some other form, I think he would have known the difference between falling out of a bunk bed and getting his tail beat while confined to a restroom. This child's cry DEFINITELY went unheard.
It appears that conducting background checks on strangers before throwing innocent children into their homes isn't always the best indicator of future behavior -- After all, the Paddock's were "licensed" foster care givers and had already adopted three other children. To my knowledge, please correct me if I'm wrong, Jeffrey Dahlmer could have also passed a criminal background check before deciding to eat the body parts of his numerous victims.
My Final Thoughts: Do not let her sit in jail for life -- EXECUTE THE WITCH!!!
For additional details concerning this case, please click on the title above:
Unpaid Utility Bills/Dirty House Results in Dead Child. You are also encouraged to read the following article:
If you believe that foster care should be reserved for children that are orphaned, or have TRULY been abandoned by their parents and ALL extended family members; If you believe that children in foster care should actually be victims of abuse and/or neglect, once proven by a judge and jury NOT a social worker with a God complex; If you believe in the Constitution and civil rights for all, no matter what their economic, social, or cultural group may be – Please sign the petitions referenced at www.squidoo.com/abolishcps/ (scroll down to Get Involved!!!). Thank you in advance for your participation!
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