The Truth about U.S. Foster Care

Exposing the injustice, corruption, criminal, and unconstitutional acts of Child Protective Service Agencies and the Juvenile Court - Please see:;;; and

My Photo

Hi, this is Ty and he was "legally" kidnapped by CPS on January 1, 2005. To view his photo log, please visit As his mother, I will continue praying and fighting until he is returned home. To see what you can do to help put an end to family and juvenile court injustice, please visit There are several petitions that you can sign and a host of additional information. Working together we can end the abuse of power, lack of employee accountability, and remove the umbrella of immunity that shields their deliberate and intentional felony acts! If you feel that the decision to remove your children was based on race, please reflect on the beautiful and encouraging words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: “I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality. I believe that ‘unarmed’ … truth and unconditional love will have the final word.” IF YOU HAVE A PERSONAL STORY TO SHARE, PLEASE SEND TO:

Friday, December 01, 2006

To the United States House of Representatives

[The following letter was sent, electronically, to EVERY single member of the House. Once they respond ... I will post, ANONYMOUSLY, their comments. This information is being shared with the public in an effort to show you EXACTLY the uphill battle we, as parents and grandparents, are facing]

According to their individual websites, it could take 2 - 3 weeks for a response. Computer generated auto-replies WILL NOT be posted, intentionally.

Dear (NAME)

Let me begin by saying thank you -- thank you for caring enough to represent your constituents with the deepest and wholehearted desire to ensure that their families, like your own, are able to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As a powerful contributing member of this country ... i.e. a registered voter, I respectfully request a moment of your time.

I write to you today because my heart is very troubled. Yes, I am troubled and deeply saddened by the direction our country is headed. The U.S. was once revered by many -- both at home and abroad. Our country was held in the highest esteem by citizens of this country and others; Unfortunately, this is no longer true. I, too, find it difficult to walk with my chin held high and to take pride in what we are or have become. Due to recent events, which I will reveal later, I am now ASHAMED to call myself an American.

Perhaps I should have paid attention, years ago, when my friends from abroad started making plans to return to their native countries or to live in other countries. Their children were young but they too knew that they did not want to live in the United States after finishing High School in their countries -- they were making plans to attend European schools instead. I have a girlfriend that graduated from high school and college here in the U.S. Not only did she get her undergrad degree in this country, but she also obtained her MBA here in the U.S. But please do not celebrate her success and what it means for the United States ... because she has absolutely no desire to continue living in the States -- even for her, the country that she loved, adored, and thought she would retire and be buried in ... is no longer a place she desires to live.

Before I explain the null and gist of this letter, let me tell you why I have chosen to contact you directly. As an elected official, when you speak ... people listen. In order to speak on behalf of your constituents and those of us that may not live in your district, but are registered voters -- people with the power to vote you out of office just as we voted you in ... you need to know what is happening outside the House. You need to know what is actually taking place in our world ... not just your own. It is because you are responsible for the laws that affect us all that I have chosen to sit down and write to you today.

As I said earlier, I am troubled ... not because of the war, not because of gas prices, and not because of illegal immigration -- I am saddened by the one issue that is destroying the very fabric of this once great country. It is not gang violence, unwanted or teenaged pregnancy, it is not the high percentage of single parent households, it is not the ever increasing number of high school dropouts, nor is it the drug problem facing many in the U.S. Although it is the most serious crime taking place on U.S. soil, you will not find this issue on any political platform; in fact, when this issue is raised ... it is quickly swept under the rug without as much as a response. It is an issue that even mainstream media will not cover. The issue I put before you today, respected Congressional member, is one that NO ONE is willing to touch -- it is an issue that forces thousands of parents to make a deep sorrowful, excruciatingly painful cry for help. We have contacted the President, Congress, the Senate, Mayors, Governors, and every single civil and constitutional rights organization you can think of ... but to no avail. The issue that I put before you today is the long overdue need to dismantle, from the floor to the ceiling, our current child welfare/foster care system!!! Yes, we MUST abolish Child Protective Services (CPS) in this country! As you may have noticed, I did not say "reform" the system ... it is time to "TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!!!" It is an impenetrable wall, shielding an out-of-control beast, built of corruption, absolute power, tyranny, terrorism, secrecy, and lack of accountability. Behind this wall lies the putrid carnage of many families lost to this out of control beast! Behind this wall lies the once innocent souls of little children raped, molested, beaten, and killed by this beast. Behind this wall lies the unfulfilled hopes and dreams of many parents and their children. Behind this wall is the ocean of tears cried by mothers, fathers, siblings, grandparents, and extended family members forced to grieve the loss of children both dead and alive ... for the ones that are still alive are being held, against their will, in the concentration camp that is foster care. They are little boys and girls forced to have no contact with their mommy's and daddy's. They are children stolen from their homes, schools, friends, and family, by this roaring, treacherous, beast that is roving the neighborhoods and communities of every single state in this country. It is because of the out-of-control, multifaceted, and powerful nature of this beast that I DO NOT seek reform ... for that would merely be shooting this beast with a tranquilizer dart in its leg; I beg of you and the parents who created this beast to KILL IT ... KILL IT NOW!!! Like a scientific experiment gone out of control, it is time to turn off the bunsen burner, remove the Erlenmeyer flasks, and empty the beakers -- this experiment is over!!! How many more years and lost lives will it take before the parent of this beast realizes it is time to wash all the lab equipment and start over. Do not let pride stand in the way -- It is time to acknowledge what we all know ... and will die making sure that the public knows -- THIS WAS AND IS A MISTAKE!!! You cannot replace parents with strangers. Maybe in theory, this was a good idea; but in actuality it sucks! (an expression used by my stolen nine-year-old, first born and only child for 10 years)

I will end by asking you to address a few questions:

(1) What, if anything, do YOU plan to do about this problem? (2) When will we see this issue on your political platform ... as well as, on the political platform of other states? (3) Will you take a stand on the side of justice or will you simply sweep this issue under the rug as your political predecessors have done? If so, that's ok ... because I have a voice, and will continue to use it -- not only do I have the ability to reach many ... but I also have the emotional and physical stamina to continue fighting until this beast is dead. Most importantly, I will keep fighting until these wrongs have been made right! I/We WILL NOT go away!

Please read and reflect on the next question that I will ask you -- Is it "valuing the family" or "the value" of our children that is important to you? If you value the family unit and realize the importance of an intact family and what it means for this country, please join us in this fight. I pray that like David, you will be the small rock that takes down this Goliath!

Waiting for your personal response,

Riverside, CA (zip code)

PS -- When you get a chance, please explore my site ( -- Our personal story is on the site. Here, you will see the face of the little boy that fuels my fire to continue fighting ... for him ... on behalf of him ... and for all children, dead and alive.

To locate and contact your local Representative, please visit

RESPONSES FROM THE HOUSE: (Note: Any and all identifying information will be removed)

Response #1:
Dear Ms. Major: Thank you for contacting me regarding foster care. I appreciate the opportunity to learn of your views. As a (parent) of (number of children removed), I am concerned about the safety and well being of all children. Currently, many grandparents and other family members provide child care for foster children. Sadly, many of these family member caregivers survive on a fixed income and receive little assistance, if any, in providing food, shelter, clothing and meeting the emotional needs of the children they are foster parents to. I believe that family members who agree to care for foster children are making a great sacrifice and should be provided with assistance and support. There are several pieces of legislation currently awaiting action in Congress that would help ease the gap. Please be assured that as Congress considers legislation to assist foster parents, I will keep your thoughts in mind. Once again, thank you for contacting me. If I can be of any assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to write or call. Sincerely, (name removed)

Response #2:
Dear TMajor:

Thank you for your E-mail to (name removed) regarding your concern that the child welfare/foster care system needs to be dismantled. Your web site is very attractive and informative. We hope that you will prevail in recovering your son.

A copy of your E-mail is being forwarded to (information removed) on Capitol Hill for their review and recommendation, in order to ensure that the concerns you identified can be addressed.

Thank you once again for contacting (name removed) on this matter.

(name removed)

Response #3:
Thank you for taking the time to share yours thoughts with me. Please know that I will give careful consideration to your views.

Response #4:
Thank you for contacting my office. Congressional courtesy prevents me from replying to emails, if I cannot determine that you are a constituent of mine.

If you are a resident of the (information removed), please contact my office in Washington, DC at (information removed) to be added to our database.

If you are not a resident of (information removed) and are contacting me in regard to my role as (information removed), please email me at (information removed).

Response #5:
Thank you for your letter. I appreciate learning of your concerns.

As you may know, I am the Representative for (information removed) Congressional District. Unfortunately, you reside outside of the District that I represent. Therefore, due to protocol of the U.S. House of Representatives I have instructed my staff to forward your correspondence to the Representative from your area. I appreciate your concerns and though you do not reside in the district I represent I will take your opinions under advisement as I consider legislation for the 109th Congress.

Again, I appreciate your correspondence and feel free to contact me again if you need further assistance.

Response #6:
Thank you for contacting me on this important topic. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to write as your comments are of the utmost importance. Please do not hesitate to contact me again in the future,

(name removed)

Response #7:
Your message has been received.

Response #8:
Thank you for your recent e-mail. I appreciate hearing your views.

This correspondence is to acknowledge that your request has been received and is currently under review. Please know your e-mail will be addressed in a more formal response corresponding with the nature of your request.

I am constantly looking to support the issues that are of concern to my constituents. Thanks to letters like yours, I can stay in touch with the needs of the (information removed) Congressional District.

Again, thank you for your e-mail and please do not hesitate to contact my office if you have questions or concerns in the future.


(name removed)
Member of Congress

Response #9:
Dear Ms. Major:

Thank you for writing me with your concerns. I appreciate hearing
from you.

As you may know, I am retiring as your Congress(person)in the House of Representatives. I made this decision last year and therefore did not run for reelection. I am honored to have represented (information removed) for (information removed) years in Congress.

While I had anticipated possible debate on certain pieces of legislation between the November elections and the end of this year, it now appears that most of these bills will not see action until the next Congress. In January, Representative-elect (information removed) will assume office for (information removed)Congressional District, and I encourage you to direct your questions and concerns to (information removed).

My (information removed) office will remain open through the end of this year. For issues of local concern, you may contact the office at (information removed).

Again, it has been a privilege representing you for the past (information removed) years, and I look forward to contributing to our community for years to come.


(name removed)
Member of Congress

10th Response:
Thank you for your email. I will consider your recommendation when the issue is discussed in Committee and/or when the Bill is brought to the Floor of the House for a vote. I encourage you to take a moment to visit my website, (information removed) The site includes my Floor Statements, Statements and Current News. There is also a listing of bills that I have sponsored or cosponsored. If you are interested in receiving periodic updates on congressional activities, federal legislation and other issues of interest please send me an email telling me that you are interested in being on our list, what you are interested in receiving, your specific email address and your mailing address where the updates should be sent. Please feel free to contact my offices directly at the following numbers for your issue: For Legislative Issues contact my Washington, DC office at (information removed). For Other Issues contact (information removed)

11th Response:
Thank you for your recent message to Congress(person) (name removed). (He/She) has asked me to follow up with you and I thought it best to discuss things over the phone. If you wouldn't mind giving me a call at (telephone number removed) or sending me your phone number so I can give you a call, that would be great! Thank you and I look forward to assisting and talking with you. Take care.
[Follow Up: We spoke briefly by phone and I was advised of federal and state jurisdictional limits and advised to contact state legislators and my Senator]Note: Done! Not only did I contact my Senator(s), I also contacted every single member of the U.S. Senate! Now, let's see what happens. While contacting Senators, I also decided to send a letter to the President (again), my local Representative (again), the Governor (again), and the Assembly.

12th Response:
Dear TMajor: Thank you for contacting me regarding the growing problem of illegal immigration. I appreciate hearing your views on this issue. For generations America has served as a beacon of hope and freedom for those outside her borders, and as a land of limitless opportunity for those risking everything to seek a better life here. Ours is an open and accepting society, and has historically provided an avenue for lawful immigration to all those willing to accept the responsibilities of citizenship. However, in recent years our nation has seen a sizable influx of illegal immigration that at best highlights some alarming inadequacies and at worst indicates a broken system. It is a system that fails to reward those eager to undertake the responsibilities of citizenship, or punish those unwilling to abide by the rules. More importantly, faced with daunting naturalization backlogs that have created a black market of illegal immigration, we leave ourselves needlessly vulnerable to those who would exploit entry into our country with violent or criminal intent. Unfortunately, some employers are increasingly eager to hire low wage workers, many of them happy to be paid in cash, free of federal and state taxes. Employers often break the law in hiring these workers to satisfy a short-term business need with long-term negative consequences. Most illegal immigrants are without health insurance, and when these workers need emergency healthcare, the American taxpayer gets stuck with the bill. Illegal immigrants are beginning to comprise a black market class of workers in our society, jeopardizing the financial health of companies that play by the rules, while themselves vulnerable to the exploitation by those willing to take advantage of their illegal status. To combat the illegal immigration problems that face (state removed) and the Nation, we must work on implementing more commonsense measures, such as strengthening control of our borders, increasing enforcement of the laws against employing undocumented workers, and relieving the tremendous burden that illegal immigration imposes on our local, State, and Federal treasuries. In the days ahead, we must work to revise our immigration system to ensure that it will be easily enforceable and will encourage compliance, rather than rewarding illegal immigration. There is no doubt that America will always be the land of hope and opportunity for all. However, we must ensure that all who seek citizenship in America do so legally. Rest assured, should legislation regarding illegal immigration be considered before the full House of Representatives, I will certainly keep your views in mind. Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this issue. Please feel free to contact me in the future regarding this or any other matter of concern. With best wishes and kind regards, I remain Sincerely, (name removed) Member Of Congress (initials removed)My Response: DUH?!

13th Response:
Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns. I appreciate your taking the time to let me know your views on this important issue.

Under Congressional Courtesy, I have referred your letter to your Congressperson, who serves the CA44 district in California. As is the custom in Congress, all letters from those outside of a Member's congressional district are referred to the Member of Congress who serves the constituent's district. I am glad, however, that you took the time to write on this important issue.

Thank you again for taking an active interest in this issue.


(name removed)
Serving (information removed)

Next Response
Dear Ms. Major:

Thank you for contacting me and sharing your deep concern over the child welfare and foster care system. I would like to investigate this situation more closely by reviewing the supporting evidence associated with these issues. If you would like to check on the status of your request please contact my legislative assistant, (name and telephone number removed).

Thank you again for taking the time to write. If I can be of assistance regarding any other future issues please feel free to contact me. I also invite you to visit my website (site address removed) to keep up with events in Washington, DC and (state removed).

With warm regards,

(name removed)
Member of Congress

Confirmation# (removed)

Another Response
Dear Mr. Major:

Thank you for contacting me concerning child protective services. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

Unfortunately, as a United States Representative, I do not have jurisdiction on matters, such as child protective services, that are governed by state and municipal governments. For further information on this issue, please contact your State Senator. I have taken the liberty to provide his address below:

The Honorable (name removed)

(address and telephone number removed)

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me. If I may be of assistance on any federal matter of interest, please do not hesitate to contact me.


(name removed), Member of Congress

Empathetic, Human Response
Dear TMajor:
Thank you for contacting me regarding your displeasure with the fostercare system. I appreciate your comments. As you know, in state foster care systems, adults care for minor children who are not able to live with their parents. Most, if not all, states provide for both voluntary and involuntary foster care. The fact is,there is often an unavoidable need for children to be taken into state custody, such as when parents pass away, when parents are incarcerated, or in serious instances of child abuse or neglect. That being said, I disagree with the notion that the government is somehow better equipped than parents to raise children. As a parent, I can understand the overwhelming frustration and heartbreak a parent would feel if their children were taken away without just cause. This constitutes government overreach at its worst, and safeguards should be in place to prevent this. Ultimately, I feel social service agencies should strive as much as possible for family unification.

At the federal level, I strongly support initiatives to strengthen families as the building blocks of our communities. Foster care policies are primarily under state jurisdiction, however, and they vary from state to state. To express your concerns about foster care policies in (state removed),I would encourage you to contact your elected officials in the (state removed) State Legislature. Their contact information can be found at (information removed)

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with me. Please keep in touch.

With warm regards,

(name removed)

Here's Another Response:
Dear Ms. Major :

Thank you for contacting me to share your concerns regarding the prevalence of child abuse in our society. I appreciate hearing your thoughts and value your input on this matter. Child abuse is a serious problem. Children are the future of our society, and as adults, we have a responsibility to protect them and nurture their growth. It is important that we do what we can to address the problem of child abuse which undermines the healthy development of individuals, families, and communities.

Implementing policies and programs that promote healthy families has always been a priority of mine. As Governor of (information removed), I renovated (the state's) social services delivery system in 1991, which transferred decision‑making authority to 92 county ‑based Step Ahead Councils and brought vital resources for combating child abuse and other domestic challenges into local communities.

While in the Senate I have continued my commitment to protecting children. To this end on April 4, 2001 I introduced the (name of Act removed). This legislation contains a provision that would reauthorize the (name of Act removed) and add an additional $200 million a year to the program. To prevent children from being placed in homes where a parent has been convicted of criminal child abuse or neglect, spousal abuse, crimes against children, or a crime involving violence, this bill would eliminate the option to opt out of performing criminal background checks on prospective foster and adoptive parents.

I also introduced the (name of Act removed) on (date removed). The bill would have, among other provisions, extended and expanded eligibility for the Foster Grandparent Program, which enables seniors to serve as mentors for at ‑risk children and youth with special needs. In addition, on June 30, 2005, I cosponsored the (name of Act removed). This legislation provides state grants for foster care mentoring programs and forgives university student loans for students who become academic mentors to foster and homeless children.

You may be interested to know that in the 108 th Congress, I reintroduced the (name of Act removed) to spotlight the importance of fathers, family, and marriage for child development. This legislation aimed to strengthen fragile families and promote responsible fatherhood through public awareness, community involvement and removal of federal barriers to active fatherhood and married, two-parent families. These initiatives were incorporated into (name of Act removed), which was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President on (date removed). (Senate bill number removed) provides up to $50 million of mandatory funding to support responsible fatherhood.

Thank you for contacting me. I hope the information I have provided is helpful. My website, (web address removed), can provide additional details about legislation and state projects, and you can also sign ‑up to receive my monthly e ‑newsletter, (name removed), by clicking on the link at the top of my homepage. I value your input and hope you will continue to keep me informed of the issues important to you.

Office of Senator (name removed)
(telephone number and address removed)

Thank you . . .

. . . for contacting me to share your concerns about the direction of our nation. I share your deep frustration.

As your Senator, I have been fighting for the values that make our nation strong. I've been fighting to increase access to health care, to protect Social Security and Medicare, and to protect our jobs and our ... way of life. I have been a vocal critic of the Bush Administration and am deeply disturbed by so many of its actions. You can count on me to continue fighting hard against the policies of this administration that hurt the people of (state removed).

Thank you again for contacting me and for sharing your thoughtful views about our nation. Please do so again whenever there are issues of concern to you or your family.


(name removed)

United States Senator