The Truth about U.S. Foster Care

Exposing the injustice, corruption, criminal, and unconstitutional acts of Child Protective Service Agencies and the Juvenile Court - Please see:;;; and

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Hi, this is Ty and he was "legally" kidnapped by CPS on January 1, 2005. To view his photo log, please visit As his mother, I will continue praying and fighting until he is returned home. To see what you can do to help put an end to family and juvenile court injustice, please visit There are several petitions that you can sign and a host of additional information. Working together we can end the abuse of power, lack of employee accountability, and remove the umbrella of immunity that shields their deliberate and intentional felony acts! If you feel that the decision to remove your children was based on race, please reflect on the beautiful and encouraging words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: “I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality. I believe that ‘unarmed’ … truth and unconditional love will have the final word.” IF YOU HAVE A PERSONAL STORY TO SHARE, PLEASE SEND TO:

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Foster Child Forced to Take Meals to Dead Man's Room

Biological parents who are unable to pay their utility bills, keep a tidy house, move too much, are suffering from depression, or can't keep a job, are required to take a psychological evaluation, if they want to continue parenting their children. After discovering this story, I am convinced that child protection agency's are definitely concentrating their efforts on the wrong people! The strangers to whom they entrust little innocent lives should be required to pass extensive psychological testing and an FBI-type background clearance. Their psychological evaluation should be administered by an independent psychiatrist; by independent I mean ... NOT contracted to "do business" with the county and NOT on the county's "approved" contractor's list. As a matter of fact, these strangers who are paid to watch our most prized and treasured little gifts from God, should be required to pass at least three separately administered psychological evaluations. Heck, if the child's parents are required to pass one evaluation ... and they love the child like no one EVER will ... then it only makes since to require complete strangers to pass a few psych. evals.

Why all the talk about mental competence? It's because 13-year-old Little Girl X, a name chosen by me, was placed in the home of stark raving mad lunatics! This child's foster "parents" were charged with "forcing their ... daughter to take meals to an elderly relative's room for several weeks even though they knew the man had died." Can you believe these people! I can just imagine the sheer terror this child felt when it was time to feed old Uncle Pete. As a child I was afraid to enter a dark room alone -- can you imagine being forced to take a plate of spaghetti to a corpse! I can't seem to shake the image from my mind -- just the thought of her cautiously approaching the bedroom door, opening the door, inhaling the stench of decaying flesh, afraid to look in the direction of the almost skeletal remains, is nauseating!

Old Uncle Pete was actually an 82-year-old man who had been "dead for several weeks," as discovered and revealed by local police. The foster parents where simply charged with "child cruelty and elder neglect."

More disturbing than the fact that Little Girl X was forced to serve meals to a corpse, is the fact that she was not the only foster child living in the couple's putrid home. There were at least two additional children living in the home -- all of whom were eventually removed, naturally. Equally as disturbing, if not more so, are published reports to indicate that no one is able to say for certain just how long the corpse had been in the home before being discovered by authorities. I find this awfully interesting, considering the fact that child protective services conducts "regular" home visits to make sure that little "abused and neglected" children are being adequately "protected" while living in the home of complete strangers. If in fact regular home visits are conducted, why did the smell of rotting flesh go unnoticed by social workers?

To additional details, click on this story's title above -- or visit


If you believe that foster care should be reserved for children that are orphaned, or have TRULY been abandoned by their parents and ALL extended family members; If you believe that children in foster care should actually be victims of abuse and/or neglect, once proven by a judge and jury NOT a social worker with a God complex; If you believe in the Constitution and civil rights for all, no matter what their economic, social, or cultural group may be – Please sign the petitions referenced at (scroll down to Get Involved!!!). Thank you in advance for your participation!