Merry Christmas ... I Think?
Children are ripped from their parents, reaching out for their hand.
Traumatized and heartbroken, and wondering where
Their Parents were and if they soon would be there.
These children were crying, alone, in strange beds;
While visions of home danced in their innocent heads;
The children needed to be held on mommy's soft lap
Or by granny, papa, or auntie just to take a sweet nap.
Children crying out in the night with such a clatter,
Parents and families were all in a tatter!
CPS was tearing families apart in a flash,
Hearts were breaking, and hopes CPS did dash.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear?
Another drug-controlled child so full of hurt and fear,
Little out-stretched arms and confusion so mixed.
Children who can't understand why they needed to be fixed.
More rapid than eagles, the social workers they came,
Bullying and shoving and playing their cruel game.
The children cry out! Rescue us, save us. Please care!
Please let us go home ... please! And let us stay there.
From the top of their heads to the tip of their toes;
The traumas affecting them all greatly did show.
Separation anxiety, PTSD ... all of these and more are found;
The cruel results of "protection" by CPS abound.
They were traumatized from their heads to their feet,
Lonely and scared awaiting unknown horrors they'd meet.
Faces sad ... broken. Heartless workers changing their lives;
Causing nothing but sadness, hopelessness and strife!
Caseworkers spoke lies, their eyes showed their work,
Filling families with sorrow. Such injustice! How it hurts!
Parents desperately fighting for the children. Such woes!
Poor kidnapped children -- The cries how they rose!
We must fall to our knees, to our Father say a prayer,
The children taken from families are now everywhere.
This nations children are crying in a voice loud and strong.
Please, let us go home to our families where we belong.
For greed is the reason, our beloved children are stole;
with pretense that strengthening the family is its goal.
But federal bonuses encourage the theft of each child
While parents are condemned without a fair trial.
When are people going to open their eyes and see
The corruption that is destroying the family?
Parents jumping through hoops that social workers set
They are crying out but have received no justice yet,
by Leya Smith 12/07/06
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