The Truth about U.S. Foster Care

Exposing the injustice, corruption, criminal, and unconstitutional acts of Child Protective Service Agencies and the Juvenile Court - Please see:;;; and

My Photo

Hi, this is Ty and he was "legally" kidnapped by CPS on January 1, 2005. To view his photo log, please visit As his mother, I will continue praying and fighting until he is returned home. To see what you can do to help put an end to family and juvenile court injustice, please visit There are several petitions that you can sign and a host of additional information. Working together we can end the abuse of power, lack of employee accountability, and remove the umbrella of immunity that shields their deliberate and intentional felony acts! If you feel that the decision to remove your children was based on race, please reflect on the beautiful and encouraging words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: “I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality. I believe that ‘unarmed’ … truth and unconditional love will have the final word.” IF YOU HAVE A PERSONAL STORY TO SHARE, PLEASE SEND TO:

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Psychological Evaluation

I just got back from court, it was like a bad nightmare. They took my son based on a psychological evaluation that I had to do which was part of my case plan. In the evaluation that came back on Monday, the doctor said I was detached from my feelings and can not handle being a parent nor probably never will be able to in the future ... even with medication and therapy. He did not say why he felt that way accept I had poor concentration, looked fatigued, and seemed like I may have mental issues. My evaluation was the last thing I needed to do in my case plan and it came back the day I brought my son home from the hospital. I can't even explain the pain I felt and still feel. But I know God is in control and everything happens for a reason -- but it still hurts so very deeply.

My attorney said the doctor has a reputation around town for giving whatever kind of evaluation the person paying him want's to hear, if you know what I mean -- Is that sick or what? This is all done for money, I'm convinced! So my attorney (who stutters really bad in court) told me he will schedule a second evaluation -- CPS has agreed to the second opinion (probably from another quack doctor). I think CPS is just looking to put the final nail in my coffin.

The judge acts like he hates me, I don't know what his problem is. He is soooooo biased! Can you believe he made the following comment, "You should PROBABLY have your parental rights terminated" ... this, although I have been successfully completing my case plan with only six more months to go. And he got mad at my attorney for trying to stick up for me in court ... like isn't that what the attorneys job is??!!

To lose my daughter and now my son is simply indescribable. They actually came to my house and pretended that they just wanted to look around to see if the home was suitable. I live in a brand new three-bedroom home in a nice area. They knew all along they were gonna steal him from me ... they are such liars!!! Wow, I went from losing my daughter because I was temporarily homeless to losing them both ... because I now "seem" to have mental issues. I pray constantly and I know that God is putting me through this extreme test because he has a greater plan. But if you say this to most people, they just think you're nuts! There is no pleasing these people! Child Protective Services is unreal! I bet if Abraham were still alive, he would have his kids taken and him thrown into prison. And although Jesus was perfect, if CPS psychiatrists conducted a psych evaluation on him, he would be found CRAZY! Well, I could go on and on but I won't ... I can get pretty radical.

My son is now 16-days-old and without his mother. Now for the good news, I guess, CPS placed him in the same foster home with my daughter. Their foster mom is way cool ... she lets me call them whenever I want and tells me everything that's going on with my daughter ... even though she's not supposed to.

Ahhh ... the dreaded psychological evaluation. This is often used by CPS and their cohorts when unsuccessful in their attempts to "build a case" against parents -- when all else fails, just call them crazy. But this psych evaluation takes the cake! She is "detached" from her feelings ... "can not handle being a parent" ... and "probably" never will be able to ... has poor concentration ... looks fatigued ... and seems to have mental issues.

Now riddle me this batman ... do we now live in a country that allows our courts to take children from their parents because they "seem" to have mental issues? What happened to burden of proof? Have they unearthed documentation to prove that this mother occasionally runs through her neighborhood naked? Or that she has been found, on more than a few occasions, wandering through the park and can't remember her name? If its poor concentration and exhibiting feelings of fatigue that now warrants the removal of children from their parents ... WATCH OUT!!! Every parent across this country is in danger. And to say that this poor mother is detached from her feelings -- good for her! After all, it's not everyday you lose your children. If she's strong, creative, and smart enough to detach from her feelings to prevent a complete mental breakdown ... once again, GOOD FOR HER! This poor woman has not lost her car keys or wallet, she has lost her children -- get it??!! If you see a correlation between the two, perhaps YOU NEED A PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION. The ease at which court "professionals" rip children from their parents and destroy innocent lives is sickening. I guarantee you they give more thought to recycling their cans and plastics, energy efficient light bulbs, and the advantages of driving hybrid vehicles than the life altering decisions they make in the courtroom everyday!


If you believe that foster care should be reserved for children that are orphaned, or have TRULY been abandoned by their parents and ALL extended family members; If you believe that children in foster care should actually be victims of abuse and/or neglect, once proven by a judge and jury NOT a social worker with a God complex; If you believe in the Constitution and civil rights for all, no matter what their economic, social, or cultural group may be – Please sign the petitions referenced at (scroll down to Get Involved!!!). Thank you in advance for your participation!