The Truth about U.S. Foster Care

Exposing the injustice, corruption, criminal, and unconstitutional acts of Child Protective Service Agencies and the Juvenile Court - Please see:;;; and

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Hi, this is Ty and he was "legally" kidnapped by CPS on January 1, 2005. To view his photo log, please visit As his mother, I will continue praying and fighting until he is returned home. To see what you can do to help put an end to family and juvenile court injustice, please visit There are several petitions that you can sign and a host of additional information. Working together we can end the abuse of power, lack of employee accountability, and remove the umbrella of immunity that shields their deliberate and intentional felony acts! If you feel that the decision to remove your children was based on race, please reflect on the beautiful and encouraging words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: “I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality. I believe that ‘unarmed’ … truth and unconditional love will have the final word.” IF YOU HAVE A PERSONAL STORY TO SHARE, PLEASE SEND TO:

Friday, December 01, 2006

Bet Cha Didn't Know!!! Interesting CPS Statistics

It's a fact that CPS has not and will NOT support parents or grandparents. Well, some DHS/CPS workers may be concerned about our postings but when it's found out, they're fired for whistle blowing or they're asked to resign. Ask Lois Bass, a former CPS employee.

I talked personally to a DHS employee who told me that she got out of DHS/CPS and went into Adult Protective Services because she SAW the abuse going on and didn't want to be a part of it. I've talked to adoptive parents who refused to take another adoptive child because they found out what was going on that caused the child to be adoptable. I've talked to one foster parent who said, "I will do anything that DHS tells me to do!"

It's obvious that it's ALL about money! Foster parents get from $750-2,500 each month for caring for EACH child in their home. Adoptive parents get Adoption Assistance and Adoption Incentives. They get Adoption Assistance of $750-2,500 EACH MONTH for every child they adopt! It's ALL about money! Oh, by the way, the Adoptive Parents get the Adoption Assistance EVERY MONTH until their adopted child is eighteen years old. If they're still in school, they get the Adoption Assistance until the child is twenty-two years old. READ THE BROCHURES in your state DHS site.

Read the Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997. If the adopted child is less than twelve years old, the DHS agency gets $4,000. If the child is a 'needs' child, they get $6,000. If they're twelve or older, they get an additional $10,000. Beginning in 2007, the adoptive parents get to take more than $10,000 deduction from their Federal Taxes for EACH CHILD. It's ALL about money! A law was just passed that gives additional money to DHS for adopting a child TEN years old or older. It's totally unbelievable. Check the News Release Site under DHS. You'll be surprised at the laws being passed to support DHS/CPS abuse and neglect!

It's a FACT that when a DHS/CPS caseworker attempts to return a child TO the biological family, supervisors, co-workers, managers and even the director take offense. They DO NOT want children returned to their parents. It's NOT profitable to DHS! It's more profitable to them to keep them in custody! By keeping them in custody, they can hire thousands of workers, millions of 'contractors' and pay foster parents/adoptive parents millions of dollars to SUPPORT their abusive system. They WILL NOT make an attempt to help the parents.

If the parent asks the DHS agency about Parenting Classes, they're told, "We don't have parenting classes. You need to move out of the house, take the children with you and get a divorce OR you'll be charged with depriving the children!" That's what is really going on in DHS/CPS. If a parent doesn't have enough money to buy a car to transport them to the hearings, it's too bad! They count it as a 'NO SHOW' and continue to progress toward removing all parenting rights! Now, if a foster parent has problems transporting a child or getting to a hearing, the worker helps them but they WILL NOT help parents or grandparents with anything! In fact, if the parent asks DHS for help in paying the utilities, the worker sends them to The Salvation Army or Good Will Industries or a church. They WILL NOT help parents!

DHS agencies spend millions of dollars advertising for foster/adoptive parents but can't even spend a dime to help a parent when they ASK for help. Look at the signs along the road that's advertising the "AdoptAChild" site. That's a strange thing for the agency to do but it's true.

When I took a disabled man to DHS for help, they mailed him a letter telling him to report to their office on a certain day at a certain time. His appointment was the morning he received the letter. He had no car. There are no buses in his area. He can't afford a taxi. He couldn't reach the worker to tell them why he didn't make it to the scheduled meeting. His case was closed because he couldn't get to the meeting. That's DHS! I helped him get a phone in his house at the $1.25 per month special rate for those who have DHS ID cards. But, when he couldn't get to the scheduled meeting, the phone was disconnected because he no longer qualified for the special rate. That's DHS!

State Legislators and DHS agencies do NOT want the Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997 to be rescinded because it's flooding the state DHS budget with millions of dollars EACH year to support their abusive system. If it's rescinded, legislators will have to find monies elsewhere to support the DHS agency in the level they've grown accustomed to since 1997.

In October 2005, DHS agencies were given more than $17 trillion dollars of Bonus Money for adoptions finalized in 2004. Reports say they adopt 40+% of the children to someone in the biological family and 40+% of the children to NON-biological families. What happens to the other 8-15%? They age out of the system or are returned to the parent(s). It's called DHS/CPS. They protect children from loving parents in the interest of what is BEST for the child when it's REALLY in the interest of what is BEST for DHS!

DHS/CPS says their placement preference is First, with parent(s), Second, with grandparent(s), Third, with persons designated by the deceased parents, Fourth, with other relatives and Fifth, with NON-Biological families. How can 40+% be adopted to NON-Biological Families if they're actually following THEIR PLACEMENT PREFERENCE? They're liars! They report that the reason they can't do better is because they (1) don't have enough workers, (2) takes to long to train new employees, (3) can't figure out where the father fits in the family.

Those of you who are affiliated WITH DHS/CPS need to look at those figures and tell US how you manage to adopt 40+% of the children to NON-Biological Families. I know from experience that DHS/CPS combines files, fabricate tales, lie to judges and lie to children and their families. We, as taxpayers, pay DHS/CPS to abuse our little ones.

Americans need to KNOW that our Social Security Fund (FICA Taxes) is going broke BECAUSE it's being given to DHS agencies as Bonus Money for adopting children. Read about the ELEVEN children adopted into one family. They were found living in cages while the adoptive parents were on an extended vacation. They were taken BACK into custody so they can be adopted AGAIN for another batch of Bonus Money. Some children are adopted TO the biological parents AFTER their parenting rights had been removed. That's so they can get the Bonus Money TWO times. Once for adopting them to their choice and the second time for adopting them to their parents when their adoption fails.

Read about the Winachee Witch Hunts. The DA told the children exactly what to say. After the parents served their prison time, they found that the DA told the children what to say. They told the children, "If you testify what I tell you, your parents will be home with you soon." LIARS! They were ALL convicted of child neglect or child abuse. NOW that they've served their 10-25 years in prison, they're filing lawsuits and WINNING!

President Bush extended the ASFA from 2002 through 2008 and then announced that our Social Security Fund would be broke by 2008. DUH! Then, he lowered the qualifications so that more state DHS agencies could qualify for the Bonus Money. The courts get some of the Bonus Money for speeding adoptions. DHS uses some of their Bonus Money to support their SWIFT ADOPTIONS UNITS. The amount of money it takes to support the Swift Adoptions Units is hidden in the DHS/CPS budgets. See if YOU can find out how many employees are in your state's SWIFT ADOPTIONS UNIT. See if YOU can find out how much they're paid. See if you can find out how much it costs to run their office ... home visits, meeting with courts. See if you can find out what they do with the Bonus Money each year besides giving their workers $1,000 Bonus Money for 'doing a good job' for the year. It's staggering!

Friends, if you'll notice on the basic site for, you'll see at the bottom of the page that DHS is an affiliate of this site. Sure, the information we provide on this site MIGHT help "reform" DHS/CPS but I believe that in most cases, the information we provide ON THIS SITE, WILL be used against ALL of us!
