[Letters and poems written by parents and extended family members also battling Child Protective Services]
If you need to vent or simply share your thoughts or personal reflections, please join us and share your personal frustration, agony, and/or turmoil
anonymously with the world. Be sure to include the state that you live in and “I grant permission to post," and send to victimizedbycps@hotmail.com. Please note: Not all submissions will be posted.
Personal … But Perfect Example of the Trafficking of Children for Profit in the U.S. writes: YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION TO POST THIS LETTER – THANKS!
Sick of the Crappy Excuses writes: The latest on my saga is that CPS has yet another worker who is “new to the organization” working on my son’s case, and once again, all they are worried about is who I hired as my attorney – tell me they don’t know how illegal everything they have done is. I haven’t heard anything from the youth law group, and am extremely bummed out about that – so I will attempt to write another quick excerpt to them, and continue hoping for a response. I have been trying to file restraining orders, and was denied. I believe now they may have moved my son again. They still will not let me speak with him, I think for fear he will tell me everything they have done to him. They are so CRUEL … not just to me, but to my son. They again are suggesting that I return to Idaho … I refused stating I would never go there again, and my son won’t either, and that he needs to be transferred back to Nevada, where he was born, and resided most of his life. MAN, AM I SICK OF THEIR CRAPPY EXCUSES! At least this morning they finally answered the phone for the first time in two weeks, however, it was only for another song and dance, as usual. A death of a grandfather in my son’s immediate family, and they will not allow him to speak to his own mother! I am quite negative today and a bit hostile, I guess you might say. I am doing everything possible for my son and in his name – in an effort to help him and all children held captive by this monstrosity of illegal actions
Depressed No Longer Writes:OK now I am really P!SSED off! I am going to back up
for a minute and tell you some background so you get
the big picture...
My children were removed in June 2003 -- We had a 2
week long termination trial that ended in February 2006...at
that time the judge ordered that there was not grounds to
terminate and that DHS had to return the kids. We went back
to court a couple weeks later and we were presented with
a NEW parent agency agreement. We had a review hearing
in May 2006 at which point the worker again requested
termination of rights due to lack of progress on the
NEW Parent agency agreement. Judge adjourned hearing
for 2 weeks to take testimony... Hearing in July 2006
was cancelled at DHS workers request (this is where
we were supposed to tell our side of why we had/had
not complied with the new agreement). The hearing was
re-scheduled to August – August 2006 hearing was cancelled
at DHS request; September hearing was today and
guess what???
Here is why I am so pissed off....I am told by my attorney
that today’s hearing is being cancelled due to the amount
of time the kids have been in foster care and the amount
of time we have been given to complete the agreement
and the fact that we have failed to do so... the judge feels
that we have to move towards termination and he has
cancelled today’s hearing and scheduled a pre-trial
termination hearing in 3 weeks!
Now wait a second! We argued at the MAY hearing that the
case workers report was incorrect...we were never given
an opportunity to PROVE to the judge that we had in fact
complied with what was asked of us...Now today we are
all there and the judge refuses to hear any testimony or see
any proof that we have completed these things! The judge says
that WE have been slacking and not working on what we are
supposed to?? I have gone to every court hearing and
NEVER once been notified until after I am there that the
case worker has cancelled them!?!
And to top it all off my attorney was just kind of like...well
that’s the system and we just have to go with it!
I am SOOOOO frustrated! So now we have to go back to
court in 3 weeks and have a pre-trial.
Socrates Reincarnated writes:Consider...
to my Donny and Dougy - I love you
What is this allusion
Am I who I thought I was
Or a victim of monumental intrusion
Not a role I choose to play
Sideways glance at what I say
A hell I live in every day
Might be seen as some kind of nut
The truth, not recognized, shot in the gut
Painful , unbelievable, deepest cut
They commit their crimes in plain sight
No need to sneak in the dead of night
Because NOBODY cares about doing what's right
That innocent children's lives are lost
Without any accountability they are tossed
Families destroyed - at what cost
That so many just look the other way
"So sad - I don't know what to say
Not MY problem", such EASY words to say
If these were YOUR children what would you do
What if my story, really is true
Families ARE being destroyed and not just a few
by cinsuze
Optimistic Grandma writes:I pray for the return of all children to the loving arms of family. I have been active in fighting for my grandson. Calling everyone and shaking the trees. My next step is to write the story. I will write my Isaac’s story and send it to everyone that I have contacted, in an attempt to keep him from harm. I will cc the front and there may be several pages of cc’s alone, then everyone will know his story and everyone will know that everyone knows. If he is further abused, I will pull out all stops to expose all who claim to protect children and do nothing. I have decided to fight back hard! I will be tireless in fighting for children. When the work is done, the system beaten and reformed, I hope that thousands of parents will be rewarded with the return and protection of their children.
Fight to the End Mom writes:REMEMBER... CPS/DHS/CSD/WHATEVER!!
i was born into this world
they say, "of my own doing".
i only get to visit my "mommy",
2 hours a week now...
you see, that's why she's suing!
no matter what...
my mommy won't quit fighting,
to bring me back home with her,
and get an apology, one in public,
and one in writing.
my mommy loves me!
she misses me too.
the answers will come,
so she'll know what to do!
What Will Our Future Hold -- Deep Reflections writes:In the Future - Looking back
to my sweet boys
Tragic isn't it
They showed such promise
This civilization
From not so long ago
From what I've read
They fought quite bravely
To free themselves
Little did they know
The freedom
That they sought with passion
The greed they once claimed
Had to go
They soon embraced
With no compassion
The almighty dollar was
All they seemed to know
Soon they began
To destroy the families
We MUST control them
They'd often say
Priorities became
Totally screwed up
Corrupt beauracracies
Ruled the day
And that mighty Nation
Began to crumble
No foundation
To keep it strong
They destroyed what they
Had fought so hard for
What a shame
They changed their Rights for wrong
Now all that's left
Is this giant statue
Mourning a nation
From long ago
Standing so sadly
Amidst the ruins
If only her secrets
We could know
She seems to be holding
A torch in one hand
I wonder what that
Used to mean
Too bad that they chose
To reject their values
Who knows how strong
They might have been
It's so sad to study
These lost civilizations
Lets hope we can learn
From the mistakes they made
Should we ever choose
To reject our values
Our society
Will also fade
We MUST value our children
And treasure our families
If we don't want to meet
Their awful fate
It's a shame that they didn't
Open their eyes
For the USA
It was too late!
by cinsuze
Author's Comments:
""Mankind WAS my business", said Jacob Marley. There's still a chance Ebenezer, for you to change!"Treated Like Hired Help writes:I adopted my little boy at the age of 8 months in Croatia. Seven years later, his biological mother resurfaced and demanded the return of the child. My experience with social workers was so frustrating and unbelievable! They made decisions in less than one week regarding what was in the “best interest of the child." Without conducting a records check or providing me with any information about the biological mother, they returned the baby to her. This woman had already abandoned 2 kids! And I could not do anything about it, because I was not his “biological” family. After everything was all said and done, I truly felt like hired help -- who had finished her job and now you can go … we don't need you any more! Today he is 21, and nobody knows where he is! What truly broke my heart is that I was not able to help him.
No Where to Turn for Help writes:I am writing because I want people to know what goes on in secrecy in order to battle it, in every arena. I now have the legal services here in Nevada, stating they can't help me because it is an Idaho issue -- so they can't help me transfer the case to our actual state of residence. These people all work on grants -- grants that should never be given, when they will not represent the people who need them the most. No one in Idaho will represent me either, all of which is grant money also; so I am always left to represent myself. I guess I will continue to contact the press, politicians, talk shows, and attorneys, until someone agrees to help me. When I write letters I do not know how to shorten what has transpired, because everything is so very important, in my opinion -- which makes it very long reading. Only the first two sets of events are on my blog, due to the fact they arrested the guy in Idaho because of what his blog stated (child raping), which is rampant in the area; However, I feel there is much more to the story -- such as the police being involved, and yet another reason to steal children from their homes. If you have not read our story, here is the link: XXXX
On My Way to Jail writes: I see we are in the same fight for accoutability in our systems. I have put up a web site called XXXX. However, they are going to put me in jail on friday September 15th, for my website and because my son ran away from them.
People will not know of the changes needed if we are forced into silence. My site will be forced down Friday and I will be in jail anyway.
Could you please help. Could you make a mirror copy of my site, perhaps XXXX or some other number. They cannot jail all of us. Since you are in the United States they cannot get you.
I don't mind going to jail. But i don't want want to be forced into silence against this system that so badly needs change. Thank You!
I Only Stayed in a Shelter for Less Than a Month writes:Due to the lies told by CPS, and the actions of several city, county, and state employees, I lost my child to this corrupt system. After experiencing such a traumatic and life altering event, I left the state. Once I recovered from the devastating loss of my child, if you can say that I have recovered, I decided to move back to the state that my son is being held captive in and to fight these monsters!
Well, I checked into a temporary shelter (I stayed less than 30 days), until I found an apartment. While staying in the shelter, I met a single father with four kids. He appeared to be a loving and very concerned Dad. Being sort of an introvert, I only really talked to him, and a few other people -- but not many. I would speak to everyone, but knew that my time there would be very short – therefore, I avoided trying to establish friendships. Plus, my goal was to find a place, not new friends. When I checked into the shelter, there was a looooong intake process that involved me answering TONS of questions – one of the questions was “Do you have an open CPS case.” I remember sitting there thinking HERE WE GO. Because although I have never been charged with a crime NOR convicted of a crime, I am now labeled an abusive/negligent parent – when this could not be further from the truth; but I guess without due process, I’m sure that there are lots of “abusive/negligent” parents in this world.
Well to make a long story short, after answering Yes to the question of do you have an open CPS case, I noticed a change in the attitude of several staff members. Anyway, I was blessed to find an apartment before they could complete and submit their paperwork on me – and before they could notify CPS that I was right where they wanted me … in a county funded shelter! Well, six months later, I found the telephone number of the single Dad that I had met at the shelter and decided to give him a call. If I’m not mistaken, I had only spoken to this guy by phone two or three times while staying at the shelter. We would see each other throughout the day, and I would often eat dinner with him and his children; nevertheless, we WERE NOT romantically involved.
So, six months passed before I found his telephone number and called him to check up on him and the kids -- now for the reason that I am writing my own letter of frustration. When I talked to him, he told me that my mother called him on his cell phone and was asking him tons of questions about me and said she was trying to get in touch with me. Get this, my mom and I talk almost everyday … if only for a few minutes – and sometimes several times a day. Furthermore ... where would my mother, who lives 3,000 miles from me, get his cell phone number??!! AND THEN IT HIT ME! I am an “abusive/negligent” parent, refusing to “comply” with the B.S. lies that they created – so they are doing everything within their power to investigate and probe into my life -- they are desperately looking for something to justify kidnapping my child -- and to paint a picture of me as a loose and unstable woman. The single dad from the shelter also told me that "my mother" asked him “Well she was living with you right?” He said he told her that we never lived together, I just know her from the shelter -- he assumed that "my mother" knew that I had stayed in a shelter. I guess CPS, the police, or the investigators with the District Attorney's office have the power to review your cell phone records, and EVERY aspect of your once personal life, if and when they want to; because there is ABSOLUTELY no way they should have been able to link me with this guy NOR him with me -- we simply did not know each other or communicate with one another like that.
It amazes me that here in the United States of America, you can lose your kid for doing absolutely nothing wrong. The government employees can create a bunch of lies to “build their case,” and the judge will simply sign off on their lies, lower his gavel, and court is adjourned for the day – just another day at the office, I guess. SO WHAT you have destroyed everything that I have worked my entire life to build, although it may not have been much to you – it was my life ... it was my world! And what a shame that tax payers dollars are being spent on crap like this – if only they knew!
But My Evidence was Destroyed writes:Hi –
Everything being said about CPS is all true. My children were abused while in their care, but all the evidence was taken from me and destroyed by my worker. I am asking all of you to help me. I need a lawyer and no one will help me because I now have no evidence. She told me that if I did not give my evidence to her that I would never get my kids back -- she also told my children this. I need help; this woman does not need to be working for the system if she is going to be threatening families. And, she is willing to let the children be abused by the foster parents. Please, please, please, help me. I have tried to reach out to everyone that can help; but they all tell me that I need evidence -- so they won’t help. I even wrote to the Governor, but he wants a written letter from me telling him what happened. I am not good at writing letters and I do not know how to start detailing my LONG and complicated story.
Pedophilia has Permeated This Society, writes: Are you aware of the book The Franklin Coverup? It is sold on Amazon.com and was written by a congressman or senator, I forget which now.
The book exposes a pedophile ring that goes to the upper levels of government and the masters of industry. It is a very, very complicated story. The gist of it is that young kids are being kidnapped and used as sex slaves among the elite. The kids are used as instruments of blackmail. Yup, that is how all of this crazy oppressive legislation is being passed. People in high places are being blackmailed in order for the powerful to achieve goals in manipulating government and industry.
There is tons of stuff about it on the Internet. The story is so complex it is unreal. It involves the high and mighty, kidnapped kids, and blackmail. If you have been following politics at all, you will understand what follows. There is more to this story then the expose as written. As time goes on, more develops. Valerie Plame the CIA agent who was exposed by the Bush administration, Jeff Gannon the Whitehouse reporter exposed as a gay prostitute who also was a kidnapped kid from Des moine. Intrigued? look it up. The more I research this story the more insane it gets.
some of the kids were kidnapped off of the street and some were obtained from boys town. Yeah, boys town.
I think this boy in Idaho (see: http://abolishcps.blogspot.com/2006/09/young-boy-in-idaho-in-need-of-help_18.html)has been taken by a group similar to this. I'd be willing to bet that there are similar stories about the area. perhaps they prey on passers through. What can be done to get this story out there to find out if other children have been kidnapped under similar circumstances?
Judges who coddle these criminals who hurt kids need to be exposed as well.
Pedophilia has permeated this society!
i left my relationship, after a couple of years. i was totally forced out...me, my child, my tears. then, i got on my feet, did what needed done. he came running back, he came thinking he'd won.
yes, we did get married, although today i know more...when Terri said, "THERE'S STILL TIME TO RUN", i should have leaped for the door! nine months later, we gave birth. to the most beautiful daughter, that ever graced earth!
following her birth, i became very ill...losing my blood, finally losing my mind and my will. they called me "CRAZY", said i was "SICK"... yet it took them three years, to decide which "SICK", they would pick. "MENTAL", it is, said all their docs...after going 'round and 'round, like 12 hour clocks.
the day finally came, for a judge to decide...my pride would diminish, i wished i had died! the couple from idaho, will raise her he speaks. fawns daughter is for them both, for keeps. i'll have one last visit, to explain my good-bye's. i'll have one last chance, to look into my daughters eyes.
i'll help her understand, what it is the judge speaks...i'll help her understand, that WE TOO ARE FOR KEEPS!!! mother and daughter, unlike any other, mother and daughter, and now little brother. they'll be together, for all times to come. the COOPERS will have...A DAUGHTER and a SON!
we all really want, for them to be okay. HAPPY and HEALTHY, whatever the way. a time in the future, will come out-of-sight, before we all know it, things will have become alright. i'll love them ALWAYS! every night, every day...one day the GOOD LORD, will show them the way.
the COOPER's new daughter, their daughters new brother, BUT LORD ONLY KNOWS...I'LL NEVER NOT BE THEIR MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If There was a Santa/God, writes: MY DAUGHTER
if there were a SANTA-GOD, i'm sure that he would say, "SO, CAN YOU TELL ME DHS/CPS/SCF, WHY IT IS, THAT BRITTANI NICHOLE'S LIFE REMAINS THIS WAY"? you say there is a child, a child misplaced..."HOWEVER CAN THIS BE"? he would say in a haste!
I, SANTA-GOD, am the one who placed her here. and, when I chose this place for her, i made a promise...of promise to come, with little or no fear. i placed her there, with her parents, (UNPERFECT, YES), but parents who care, none-the-less.
it's not the right of DHS/CPS/SCF, to remove her over and over, at their will. especially to be knowing, a scar there will be even still. that even time that comes to pass, this may not heal, and could ever last!
please place her back, to the one i chose...when i asked, "WHO CARED"? she was who arose. this one will care, both now and tomorrow. and above all...every and any where. if you take her this way, and take her now, you may need more answers, to the questions i seek, pertaining to WHEN, WHERE and HOW?
if you'd only return her, where she needs to be, this SANTA-GOD, shall surely see...and save you a glorious resting place...one that YOU will need to be. we all have a destiny, we all have a place to be...we mustn’t waste precious time on NEEDLESS and WASTED energy!
I Was Abused As a Child, But NOT By My Parents, writes:When I was a child I was traumatized by CPS. They assaulted me emotionally and battered me mentally until I said what they wanted me to, telling me I could go home if I just "admitted" that I had been abused, even though I had never even so much as gotten a spanking from my parents. The nightmare of foster care and therapy to "help" me still influences me as well as my relationship with my family more than a decade later. I was abused as a child, but not by my parents. I was abused by CPS.
My family was victimized by a "serial false reporter" who alleged physical, sexual and emotional abuse. My children were removed from my home for a week, my reputation lost, thousands of dollars spent to prove our innocence despite this woman's history of mental health issues, calling CPS numerous times on numerous people, and a series of "coincidences" that pointed to her guilt and vengeful behavior. I worked with CPS and law enforcement for almost 20 years before this and never had a complaint, only dozens of compliments. I will never trust in justice or the police again, and I feel that I need to teach my children this as well. It has to stop!!
I am a product of the system... Despite the system. I lived my entire life in Foster Care. I was never beaten by my bio parents, I was beaten by my foster parents. We need to protect OUR children of ALL races, against the Foster Care System. They do NOT protect children they are harming them on a daily basis. Please, GOD, someone HELP, before its too late for all of them. We need to START protecting our children!!!
In Need of Encouragement writes:For those of you that know Sylvia in California or are familiar with her case -- she has in fact been rearrested. I contacted the sheriffs dept. for her county and here is their message: YES, SHE IS IN OUR CUSTODY.
Her bail was allegedly revoked because she wrote a letter to one of her children, which was against court orders as they are in "protective" custody.
I am trying to get a mailing address for her. If you would like to send her an uplifting card or letter, just let me know. If you do not know Sylvia but would like to send her words of encouragement, send me your letters and I will forward them to her.
I Wish Death were Literal writes:HOW MANY KICKS IN THE GUT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO TAKE? I just received a letter from the state of my child's kidnapping which states that they will be keeping my child permanently, after the first of the year -- the whole while telling me they would transfer my child to court here in our actual state of residence. I LOST MY CHILD BY REFUSING TO BE HELD HOSTAGE IN THEIR STATE AND NOW I HAVE LOST MY CHILD PERMANENTLY. They are keeping my child permanently, even after sending me emails for the last two months saying they were working on my child's return. Now, to my surprise, I get a snail mail with garbage telling me to come back to their state ... I WONT SO THEY GET TO KEEP MY CHILD FOREVER. HAD I KNOWN THIS TYPE OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY WAS ALLOWED TO TAKE PLACE IN THE UNITED STATES, I NEVER WOULD HAVE GIVEN BIRTH TO MY CHILD -- I AM SO VERY SORRY THAT I BIRTHED MY CHILD INTO THIS SICK WORLD BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT ENABLES MY CHILDS SUFFERING. I GUESS IT IS SOMEHOW MY FAULT FOR GIVING BIRTH. I am getting to the point I cannot function. I have seen my child once in the last six months. I have been allowed to speak to my child for 15 minutes. The war, gas prices, the election, the economy ... WHO THE HELL CARES WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE WORLD? I ONLY KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING IN MY WORLD, AND IT IS OVER -- LIFE SUCKS!!!
I have tried everything ... when I visit the legal resource center, the system administrators interfere with my emails. While attempting to do research so that I can file court documents, they mess with my disks. They come out of the backroom and laugh at me, as if it were funny. I guess making me do and re-do things, which are often in mass multiple to begin with, is hysterical to them. I AM POWERLESS AND IT KILLS ME -- I JUST WISH DEATH WERE LITERAL AT THIS POINT. I AM A MOTHER, A WOMAN BEING STEAMROLLED, WHO HAS LOST HER CHILD PERMENENTLY ... AND THERE IS NO HELP FOR ME WHATSOVER ... LET ALONE MY POOR CHILD. I WISH DEATH WERE LITERAL FOR US BOTH ... AT LEAST WE WOULD BE TOGETHER AGAIN ... I KNOW IN MY HEART MY CHILD FEELS THE SAME.
Another Adoptable Newborn Stolen by CPS writes:My 12-day-old son was taken from me last night by CPS. The pain of that is excruciating. They said that there was something questionable that came up in my psychological evaluation. I have completed everything in my court ordered case plan to get my daughter back and now instead of getting her back they take my son too. One day, God willing, I will be able to really help to get things changed and fight this crazy system.
Disappointed and Heartbroken writes: Unfortunately things did not go well for us today and my precious child is still being held captive by our State thanks to the GAL and the judge. I am completely disappointed and heart-broken, YET AGAIN, because it is a constant battle with these people. Once I get DHR in agreement with me, then I have to fight the unreasonable GAL and unreasonable judge. So, I am home alone still without my precious baby. It has been six months of fighting and fighting and fighting.... I will never give up, even when she comes home... because this system is ridiculous and I thought it was just our state in disarray... but now I can see that it is happening all over our country.... it is a shame that a system is constantly allowed to break laws and violates people's rights, yet over and over not receive any reprimand... it is absolutely ludicrous and I for one am not taking this anymore. I plan to work on legislation that will ensure that the laws are just and right, at least starting in my state first... it is a sad, sad day that loving parents are at risk for any little thing of having their children, stolen, kidnapped by the state... IT MUST STOP!
Excellent Prey for the Vultures at CPS writes:I know that your heart is troubled tonight so I will not burden you further but you, like myself, were excellent prey for the vultures at CPS ... you are an unmarried, Black, female. They are rolling the dice that you will not have over $100,000 to fight for your baby and will simply comply with their case plan (which still does not guarantee that you will get your child back) but does ensure that the court appointed psychiatrists, attorneys for the state, etc. will get paid. They also know that, as a single mother, you have to work in order to pay your rent/mortgage, car note, eat, etc ... so, you will not be able to jump through the many hoops required to get your daughter back without losing your job. And, if you manage to keep your job throughout this ordeal (good luck), you will get a bill in the mail requesting reimbursement for your daughters "out of home" care ... excellent money making racket don't you think -- its definitely a win-win situation for the state!
Why Isn't Child Welfare Reform a Major Issue writes:It bothers me that child welfare reform isn't really a major platform
issue in elections, like minimum wage and abortion are. No one seems
to care about these issues. I think people assume that juvenile courts
run on the idea of "innocent until proven guilty", or they just don't
realize how big the problem is. I personally know of two other
families that have been unfairly ripped apart by child
services--because, in both cases, their houses were "too dirty". In
one of those cases, the three children in the family were taken away
because they were visiting their grandmother and her house was "too
dirty"; it wasn't even the parents' fault, yet they were the ones to
lose custody!
The Dreaded Holidays are Approaching writes:Whether you know it or not, your site is helping at least one family to know that they are not alone. On October 31st of this year, my wife and I lost our parental rights. We are simply heartbroken ... not even a final good-bye was granted. Want to know the reason? Domestic violence. Two years BEFORE my son was born, we had a fight which came back to kick us in the tail. If someone would have told me that this was happening in America, I would have told them they must have fallen and bumped their head. Now, hearing myself say it burdens my heart. Prior to this, I had faith in little things like ... truth and justice and the American way. If you wanted justice, you went to court. There you would be allowed to defend yourself against your accusers and present evidence to prove your innocence ... to clear your name -- well, I guess we both know how stupid that idea was. Sorry, I feel myself getting depressed thinking about my son.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you for making me aware that we are not alone. With the Holidays approaching, we needed that.
Court Was a Nightmare writes:I just got back from court, it was like a bad nightmare. They took my son based on a psychological evaluation that I had to do which was a part of my case plan. In the evaluation that came back on Monday, the Dr. said I was detached from my feelings and can not handle being a parent nor probably never will be able to in the future ... even with medication and therapy. He did not say why he felt that way accept I had poor concentration, looked fatigued, and seemed like I may have mental issues. My evaluation was the last thing I needed to do in my case plan and it came back the day I brought my son home from the hospital. I can't even explain the pain I felt and still feel. But I know God is in control and everything happens for a reason -- but it still hurts so very deeply.
Another Psychological Evaluation writes:Guess what, the adoption social worker that has taken over for the other social worker has ordered such a test for myself and the boys. I have been extremely vocal regarding the girls -- I have done nothing wrong and have hired yet another attorney on borrowed money to go back into court to try and obtain temporary custody of my granddaughters. The foster family and foster grandmother are very pushy and have told lies to the social worker to stop our monthly visits. After reading the latest story on your blog, The Psychological Evaluation, I am fighting mad.
The tests have been taken and the questions were so ridiculous. I have not heard from the social worker regarding the results on myself or the boys. My impression of the individual administering the test was very negative. There were two of them and both have stated the test really didn't mean anything at all. Yet, the social worker did request it -- can't wait to see what their "evaluation" reveals!
There Will Be No Peace Until ... writes:Since terrorism is the only topic the media wants to cover, I am sending you a case of terrorism right here on American soil. We need to do something about our own terrorist in San Diego Family Court, Dept. F5. The case below is not the only case that has torn beautiful relationships apart unjustly ... as there are millions of people whose life has been destroyed by the family court, juvenile courts and CPS involvement.
There will never be peace until this matter is addressed. We have contacted California government officials all the way up to President Bush and for the most part we have not so much as had a response. The media will not touch this profound cause. The importance of this issue far exceeds any cause on our governments agenda as families have been crying out to local & federal officials all over America to reap no response at all.
Link to story above: http://hometown.aol.com/tedsrose/Home-Page.html
But He Wasn't Even Born Yet! writes:Can you believe this crap! We just received a telephone call from a distant relative informing us that he had recently been contacted by Child Protective Services (CPS) and asked if he has a relative by the name of (child's name withheld). After acknowledging the child as a relative, CPS began to share "their version" of events with this "relative." They told him about a restraining order that I had served on my ex-husband years before I had any children. This, I believe, was done in an effort to now shift the focus of a failing attempt to prove "abuse by boyfriend" case ... and "neglect/failure to protect" by the child's mother case to that of domestic violence. Here is what I don't understand -- What does a restraining order filed many, many years before I had any children ... against a man that IS NOT the father of my children ... nor has any involvement with my children, have to do with this current case they are attempting to build? Furthermore, what right do they have to share ANY information about ANY documents contained in my file with ANYONE ... even if the distant relative's wife previously worked for CPS in the same county?! This, like everything they do, is illegal and a CLEAR VIOLATION OF PRIVACY LAWS -- These people are desperate, sick and demented ... and will stop at nothing to "build a case" against me.
A Dark, Dark Day writes: Today is a very dark and sad day for my family. The only grandmother we've ever known has passed away. She was pronounced dead at 1:00 am. Not only is she gone, but my child who is being held in the "confidential" foster home of strangers, has no idea that his great grandmother is gone. He will not attend her service, thanks to CPS, but I guess he will see her again one day.
A Not So Merry Christmas writes:The social worker is refusing to give my son his Christmas present using some flimsy excuse that it is "too expensive". Please circulate it around the internet and call Governor Schwarzenegger's office and let them know your outrage. I have called the Governor's office and gave them the social worker's phone number. There is no rule or law about the monetary value of a gift. I sent my son a refurbished laptop computer! He is 13 years old.
Merry Christmas ... I Think writes:T'was the night before Christmas, when all through this land,
Children are ripped from their parents, reaching out for their hand.
Traumatized and heartbroken, and wondering where
Their Parents were and if they soon would be there.
These children were crying, alone, in strange beds;
While visions of home danced in their innocent heads;
The children needed to be held on mommy's soft lap
Or by granny, papa, or auntie just to take a sweet nap.
Children crying out in the night with such a clatter,
Parents and families were all in a tatter!
CPS was tearing families apart in a flash,
Hearts were breaking, and hopes CPS did dash.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear?
Another drug-controlled child so full of hurt and fear,
Little out-stretched arms and confusion so mixed.
Children who can't understand why they needed to be fixed.
More rapid than eagles, the social workers they came,
Bullying and shoving and playing their cruel game.
The children cry out! Rescue us, save us. Please care!
Please let us go home ... please! And let us stay there.
From the top of their heads to the tip of their toes;
The traumas affecting them all greatly did show.
Separation anxiety, PTSD ... all of these and more are found;
The cruel results of "protection" by CPS abound.
They were traumatized from their heads to their feet,
Lonely and scared awaiting unknown horrors they'd meet.
Faces sad ... broken. Heartless workers changing their lives;
Causing nothing but sadness, hopelessness and strife!
Caseworkers spoke lies, their eyes showed their work,
Filling families with sorrow. Such injustice! How it hurts!
Parents desperately fighting for the children. Such woes!
Poor kidnapped children -- The cries how they rose!
We must fall to our knees, to our Father say a prayer,
The children taken from families are now everywhere.
This nations children are crying in a voice loud and strong.
Please, let us go home to our families where we belong.
For greed is the reason, our beloved children are stole;
with pretense that strengthening the family is its goal.
But federal bonuses encourage the theft of each child
While parents are condemned without a fair trial.
When are people going to open their eyes and see
The corruption that is destroying the family?
Parents jumping through hoops that social workers set
They are crying out but have received no justice yet,
by Leya Smith 12/07/06
The Worst Nightmare of My Life writes:My 12 year old daughter who has been in foster care for almost three
years was admitted to a psychiatric hospital yesterday for what they
call "bizarre behavior." She is angry and getting into fights at
school and at "home." She is hurting and she has also refused the
antipsychotic medication called Abilify which is not recommended or
tested on children before she was admitted. She is not psychotic but
the medication is their way of controlling her. I also believe that
the shrink gets a higher reimbursement when his patients are on meds
and possibly the foster home as well. Now that she is admitted to
the hospital I don't know if she has a right to refuse medication.
She hasn't been suicidal or homicidal, just angry. She wants to come
home. Foster care hasn't helped my child. It has hurt her. She was
never like she is now when I had her. They took her away from me
because they said I was suicidal and homicidal. I got two doctors
notes that said differently but they still kept her.
The county wants nothing more than for me to surrender my children, especially my 9 month old but that will never happen. This is the worst nightmare of my life.
The Children Are Coming Home!!! writes: [Days 1]
OK We just got home from court...
The state has 7 days to FULLY return the children to
my care. That means 7 days a weeks 24 hours a day!
No more pick up in morning drop off at night crap.
BUT my problem is that they will not allow me to
change the kids schools! Right now they attend
schools that are 30-40 minutes from my house and
they expect me to drive them and pick them up everyday
instead of going to the school on the end of my
block (part of the reason I bought this damn house!)
SOOO My attorney has to file a motion to try and
change schools BUT he does not understand why I am
making such a big deal out of this!
Anyway, we go back to court in April at which time
the judge should dismiss us completely assuming nothing
bad happens in the mean time.
So far So Good...We also go back to court in the
morning for our monthly review...
[Next Report]
OK so now I have had the kids in our home
for a week....we have been picking them up at
8:30am taking one to school at 11:30am, picking one up
from school at 12:30am, picking the other up from school
at 3:30pm, and dropping them off at 8:00pm
Now you are probably thinking ok no big deal
right?? Well considering we live almost 45 minutes
from the foster home (and the bus stops) this is
SO anyway, yesterday I took my 5 year old to
his eye Dr appointment only to find out that he is
no longer on the state medical plan! AND that his
foster parents have failed to bring him to his last
4 appointments!
Well, while we are waiting for the Dr my
husband (who is home with the other kids) called my cell
phone to tell me that the police and CPS are at our
house and want to talk to me and my son right
now...needless to say I politely told them that I was not
about to have this poor child miss another Dr appointment
and if they wanted to talk to me I would be happy
to come to their office after the appointment.
So now I go and see the Dr...this really got
me mad...In March of 2004 when this eye
specialist first saw my son, his vision was BAD...he was
almost blind in one eye and the other he had about 75%
sight...We got him glasses, and eye patches that the
foster home was supposed to make him wear 8 hours a day
(he was 3 at the time), they did this for a while and
in June 2005 my son had 75% sight in both eyes!
Well, since then the foster home has NOT provided him
with his glasses to wear, or taken the time to put
the eye patches on him...oh yeah and they didn't take
him to his appointments! SO guess where his eyes
are now?!?! He is right back where he started in March
So now, I am supposed to make this poor baby
wear an eye patch (on his good eye to make his bad
eye do all the work) 24 hours a day and his glasses
every waking moment! His first words to me were but mom
I wont be able to see to do my work at school (through
I am so mad I could strangle that woman!
And this is how they protect our children??? These are
his EYES we are talking about! If this doesn't get
fixed now he could be blind for his entire life!
So anyway, back to the CPS visit, they made
my husband wake up all 3 babies and strip them down to
be checked for bruises/marks, they questioned the
babies (ages 3,2,1) and demanded to see (name removed).
I was told the reason for their visit is that (the child)
made a statement back in JUNE 2006 that they have
to check into!
[Next Report]
I just got even better news (NOT!)
My sons school is at (address removed) and my
daughters school is at (address removed) ...I am
sure that means nothing to you but they are about
4 miles away from one another and probably an
additional 10 minutes because of traffic
and street layouts...
My son needs to be dropped off at school at 12:00 and
picked up at 3:10. My daughter needs to be dropped off
at school at 8:40 am and picked up at 12:00. How in the
Lords name am I supposed to be at two schools at the
same time?? Oh, did I forget to mention that it is a
different school district so bus service is not an
option? AND we have to pay the out of district fees
since the case worker will not allow me to change their
[my comment] And if you fail to get them to school everyday,
CPS will find a way to use it against you and remove the
children again. And God forbid they fall down, as most children do,
and break a limb ... I guess you would have to drive them down to
Mexico for treatment (smile). It would definitely be out of the
question to have them seen and treated at a hospital emergency room
here in the U.S. before the court officially declares them
completely back in your care and custody. Just be extremely
careful and cautious between now and April.
[my comment also] Have you ever thought about
HOME SCHOOLING them both! But I'm sure the
courts would not "allow" you to do that; After all,
there must be additional bodies watching over you
and your children at all times ... or this
wouldn't be America! Wow, is there no end
to their madness?! Can you petition the court directly ... to
have the children transferred to a school in their district?
If your attorney will not do it, maybe you should complete
and submit the necessary paperwork on your own or
consult a legal aid clinic for assistance. You know that
CPS works closely with certain schools,
physicians, psychiatrists, etc ... they are usually
a group of individuals that will do and say anything CPS
asks. I am willing to bet that your children are currently
attending one of these schools. It makes absolutely no
sense that you are not able to transfer YOUR children
to a school that will be more convenient for both you
and the children.
[Next report]
My son has psychological issues ( I am sure from
this four-year ordeal) and today he refused to go to school
I called his therapist and he was literally flopping
on my kitchen floor kicking and screaming that he
was not going to go...
Needless to say she talked to him on the phone and
he told her the reason he doesn't want to go is because
he wants the bus to come and pick him up from moms
house and the only way he is going is via a bus.
I then explained the school issue to her and she is
calling the case worker now to explain that
transferring schools is what (he) wants to do.
[my comment]
It is extremely sad and sickening that we now live in a
country that requires parents to consult outside therapists,
counselors, and other "professionals" before making decisions
affecting our families. Something as simple as transferring your
child's school must now be approved ... and only after the
idea has passed through the chain of command.
[Next Disturbing Report]
We have them full time now and they do not go back to
foster care...
The case worker has been complaining because our 4
year old has had an on/off fever (highest point was
102.3 and it came down in an hour with Tylenol)
...Anyway she insisted that we take her to the
Dr...I called the Dr on Friday and was told they did
not have any openings But I spoke with the Dr and he
gave me some instructions and told me it sounds like
she has the flu...I called the Dr again today and was
told the same thing.
Needless to say this idiot case worker has now filed a
medical neglect complaint against us.
[Questions to the Public]
Can this family file harassment charges against this
tyrannical agency?! This is beyond unbelievable!!! What
will it take for this family to find peace ... to experience
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Will they have
to leave the United States? Or, are they even allowed
to leave? Well, I guess they would have had to do that
before CPS launched its latest attack by filing
YET ANOTHER claim against this family?!
Looking for a Job Abroad writes:Can you believe that CPS is now demanding that I pay THEM child support each month for MY CHILD that they STOLE. And get this ... I was served, I assume, at my P.O. Box! Is this legal? But wait, NOTHING they do is legal! It will be a cold day in hell before they get a red penny from me ... and I have been working since I was 15-years-old and will be 40 soon! If I never work again, above board, here in the U.S. it doesn't make me a darn bit of difference. Fifteen years before I am able to reap the benefits of being a senior, 55-years-old, I now have to start paying child support??!! These people and their system is a joke!!! It took me five years to collect a penny in child support from my child's father ... but it takes them less than two years to come after me. It looks like I will eventually end up in jail, once they find a way to prosecute me for failure to pay child support. What's next ... will they suspend my driver's license before issuing an arrest warrant for me??
The abduction and permanent detention of my child was deliberate; once they did their homework and realized my child has two working parents they became excited -- they can now collect from the federal government, his mother, AND father. What a clever scam!!! But here's what they didn't anticipate ... I am just as smart and clever as I am industrious. If thousands of illegal immigrants can live, seemingly undetected, in this country ... SO CAN I!!! If the day ever comes that I can not, I will drive north to Canada ... or south to Mexico! Heck, I guess I'll start looking into expatriates living in Europe! Johnny Depp, Madonna, Gwenith Paltrow, and other celebrities raising their children abroad ... PLEASE HELP!!! Offer me a job abroad ... let's work on obtaining the necessary work visas ... let's do this!!! Or, if you are an employer living in Europe willing to help a mother escape the government tyranny here in the U.S. by offering me a job abroad, please contact me through this site's creator ... PLEASE!!!
Kidnapping is Kidnapping writes:Remember the recent story about the boy who was missing for 4 and a half years and they have just found him? He was on the cover of the Peoples magazine just this week and on the Oprah Winfrey show. They found him living in some guys apartment after all of this time. He was kidnapped when he was just 11 years old, young enough for the captor to manipulate his mind which is exactly what the state does to our children but gets paid for it..
The news reports that the reason why this boy would not leave his captor is because he developed a case of Stockholm syndrome which causes them to fear their captor, and feel like they need to do everything the captor wants him to do.
This is what I feel the state is doing to our children, these children have to learn how to cope so they develop some sort of a disorder in order to feel like they belong to these state paid caretakers.
Kidnapping is kidnapping, no matter how it is done, the state needs to get out of their delusional state of mind.
I Read the News Today by Anne PattersonI read the news today, another child is dead.
Another child took a ransom on their head.
They said he would be better off, and safe forever more,
They said his mother was unfit, to them she was a whore.
Her greatest crime was poverty, their greatest crime is lies.
Depending on your verdict, depending on your eyes.
They said he would be safe, for every single day.
But then again their pay cheque is telling it this way.
A child he was forever, and dead forever more.
And all because they judged his mother, if we’re keeping score.
His father was invisible, forbid that he was found.
As if the man had right’s, an industry in the ground.
I read the news today, another child is dead.
Another child took a ransom on their head.
The stranger is forever, and safe forever more.
And all upon the lie, their mother was a whore.
Real families are no better, not safe forever more?
Based upon the theory, the mother is a whore.
The families all extended, are neither safe as well.
In child protection services a modern wicked hell.
But none of them will answer, to anything above.
The children were all taken for someone else's love?
I read the news today, another child is dead.
Another child took a ransom on their head.
But they have all the answers, the crystal searing ball.
Never held responsible, the greatest crime of all.
They said he would be happy, in all that is above.
And be forever grateful, they thought that this was love.
And as he passes forward - onto the other side.
He’ll be greeted by dead children, their arms are open wide.
And many of them are angels, sent from well above.
To try and maybe tell us the system is not love.
Before their brutal fates, they ached for something more.
Their mothers, fathers and families, if we’re keeping score.
And in between the darkness, and what is wrong and right.
Do not give up on children, and never stop this fight.
By Anne Patterson with love - and written for all the dead children who are anonymous who died in care of child protection agencies.
© 2006. All rights reserved.
If you believe that foster care should be reserved for children that are orphaned, or have TRULY been abandoned by their parents and ALL extended family members; If you believe that children in foster care should actually be victims of abuse and/or neglect, once proven by a judge and jury NOT a social worker with a God complex; If you believe in the Constitution and civil rights for all, no matter what their economic, social, or cultural group may be – Please sign the petitions referenced at www.squidoo.com/abolishcps/ (scroll down to Get Involved!!!). Thank you in advance for your participation!