Known Sexual Abuser Living in Foster Home
As I was reading the 1998 newspaper article which compelled me to write Foster Father is a Sexual Predator, I couldn't help but to wonder and question if the events that took place in 1998 could occur in 2006. I thought to myself, this could NEVER happen today. With all of the money spent to "reform" the BIG MONEY GAME of child "protection," which includes 'beefed-up' screening of strangers before placing little "abused and neglected" children into their homes, no one could have ever told me that the modern day juvenile "justice" system would knowingly allow a child in the foster care system to remain in the home of a known sexual abuser! Once again, I thought THAT COULD NEVER HAPPEN NOW. Yes me! A known and unapologetic critic of the child "protection" industry ... child welfare "reform" ... and foster care. I have said it before, and I will say it again -- THIS SYTEM DOES MORE HARM THAN GOOD!!!
With that said, I guess there was still a part of me that wanted to believe that the "bad things" that happen to children caught in the system, actually are unexpected events ... which caught the agency off-guard because every single precautionary step had been taken to ensure that once the little "abused and neglected" child is removed from his home, he would now be safe in the home of strangers. But it appears that as long as our country ... especially certain segments of our population, for example: the city and counties of Riverside California, are thriving and prospering from this BIG MONEY BUSINESS, it will continue to act in the best interest of the State and NOT the best interest of the child.
Here in Riverside California this game is sooooo large, lucrative, powerful, and elaborate, that there are more county cars and vans on our roads than there are everyday ordinary average citizens or residents of this county. In fact, our county workers are given every-other Friday off work; As a result, traffic flows nicely and is often extremely light in the Inland Empire on Fridays -- you have to see it to believe it. For anyone that has ever lived in California, you know that traffic is ordinarily a NIGHTMARE! Those of you that live or work in this area, start paying attention to the little white county cars ... some are clearly marked "County of Riverside" but others are not. Also pay attention to the white county vans with dark window tint. When I see them with the child restraint or infant car seats, I get sick to my stomach. The other day one had actually stopped and the back doors were open ... this van was PACKED with diapers, stuffed animals, and other baby/child necessities to make stolen children more "comfortable" while their parents are put through sheer HELL ON EARTH! Now, Let's talk about the recent newspaper article which correlates with the 1998 article mentioned above.
A teen was "returned to a foster family even though care officials knew the adolescent had been repeatedly sexually abused by a family member." As was the case with 5-year-old Baby Girl X, in Foster Father is a Sexual Predator, the very people being paid to protect these children are knowingly allowing them to stay in unsafe homes. But how could this be ... when our child protective services agencies are so quick to snatch children from their families for ANY and EVERY little thing? One would expect the same level of eagerness and zeal to "protect" children once they are sucked into the black hole that is foster care. It appears that once detained in the concentration camp that is foster care, the need or desire to "protect" these children mysteriously disappears ... but why? (see Bet Cha Didn't Know ... Interesting CPS Statistics - link provided below). Why are children who were taken from their families, due to "neglect" i.e. unpaid utility bills, an untidy home, or the husband/boyfriend attempted to discipline the child, placed in homes with known sexual predators? Or, they are allowed to stay in homes when THEY KNOW the child has been sexually abused by someone in the foster home. And if this information was not known before placement, why aren't the children IMMEDIATELY moved to a safe home ... isn't safety and protection the reason they were taken from their families to begin with?
You will notice that I normally do not make the distinction between biological, adoptive, or foster families ... because in my opinion, the word "family" intrinsically implies "biological." So for those that need or desire to see an additional adjective before the word "family," YOU WONT SEE IT HERE!!! Make no mistake about it ... I think this is a SICK game that our government is allowing to be played with our children ... because quite frankly, it does not affect THEIR children; Nor does this SICK game affect the children of celebrities, doctors, lawyers, police, or judges (I discovered a story of neglect by a juvenile court judge that I will eventually post to my blog). Now, you tell me ... when have you ever seen a "justice" system so knee-deep in bigotry, discrimination, and corruption that the only people "punished" are those without money??!! It is for this reason that I ask the world to DO YOUR HOMEWORK, research juvenile "justice," and make your own decision.
Let's think of a few celebrities that were being "investigated" by CPS ... there was Britney Spears, whose child fell from a highchair and had to be seen for his "head injury." This incident occurred after several "poor judgment calls" by this young and inexperienced mother. The media bashed poor Britney for driving with her son on her lap; driving with her son down Pacific Coast Highway in her convertible ... infant car seat facing forward; and almost dropping the child because as Joy Behar from ABC's The View implied ... she was inappropriately dressed in her trendy jeans that were too long with her high heel shoes and should not have attempted to carry the baby in one arm and a cup of coffee in the other. Thanks Elisabeth Hasselbeck for telling her just how ridiculous her comments were! Yes Joy, mothers today are required to walk and chew bubble gum at the same time -- which does not give you and those like you the right to ridicule or label someone as a "bad" parent. Raising children has never and should not require a Ph.D. Let's face it, our parents raised us long before there were "experts" in the field. Speaking of Elisabeth Hasselbeck, she too was being "investigated" by CPS because of anonymous phone calls made to CPS and several media outlets in New York. I wonder what ever happened to that "investigation." There was also the infamous "baby dangling" incident by Michael Jackson which had attorney Gloria Allred HOT HOT HOT under the collar (for more reasons than one). And let's not forget, God rest his beloved soul, Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter who stood inches from an alligator with his infant son in one hand while feeding the gator with the other -- where was CPS then? You see my point? In juvenile "justice" if you have a lot of money, YOU GET JUSTICE!!! Now, let's get back to poor folk justice.
Teenager XYZ, a name assigned to him by me, was just one of seven cases being reviewed by the Commissioner for Children for alleged abuse of kids in foster care. There have been many studies, reports and reviews written, yet this broken system is allowed to continue. Yes, I'm being sarcastic because the statistics simply do not support our governments hypothesis that child protection agencies are beneficial and necessary for children and society. The idea that CPS is such a crucial and indispensable organization or agency is no more than cockamamie bull crap!!! When the reality is this "system" has and continues to create nothing but a path of destruction from California to Maine! It is time to squash this meritless and time disproved theory that this system operates in the "best interest" of children -- which couldn't be further from the truth.
Before being sucked into the abyss of CPS intrusion/involvement, I also believed that CPS was an agency that "rescued" children from deplorable home conditions. The image in my mind was one of little Johnny sitting in the living room, using the television as a babysitter, as his mother slept until 2:00 in the afternoon trying to recover from her drug induced high. Or, little Maria being forced to sit in an apartment for days without food while her mother is nowhere to be found. Or better yet, little Steven sitting next to his unconscious father on the kitchen floor, who is seconds from death, with a drug laced hypodermic needle still stuck in his arm. I had no idea that our government was funding this "protection" agency to "build cases" against innocent parents! Nor could anyone have convinced me that employees of this agency are allowed to walk into a "court of law" and commit felony perjury, like it's no big deal ... falsify documents, like it's no big deal ... and a host of other criminal activity that you would have to experience to actually believe -- I still have to pinch myself to make sure that I am not simply dreaming! But trust me, it's no dream -- my first born and only child for ten years has been living in the home of strangers for almost two years now! Actually, in less than a month it will be two years. My-oh-my how time drags slowly when you're not having any fun (see Call to Action -- My Personal Story -- link provided below).
After reading our story, and the many, many stories of families torn to shreds by this agency, you will understand why I/We no longer buy into their "we're here to save the world" theory. Although our government has force-fed the public, for many years, the notion that children are better off in the homes of complete strangers, once they have passed a simple background check; Only a fool would continue to believe that this system is working, after researching the irreversible affects left on children both in the system and that have aged-out of the system -- let's not mention the damage done to the men and women who once proudly held the title Mother or Father. CPS is a joke to ANY and EVERYONE that has dealt with them or have truly researched this intricate and seemingly elaborate scam.
For some reason our elected officials simply do not get it ... no matter how much money you continue to pour into this broken system, it will never be enough; because you are attempting to simply put a band aid on an arm with a long gaping wound which does not require sutures but complete amputation! Yes, until you cut the federal funding umbilical cord that nourishes and feeds this monster, many innocent lives will continue to be lost to this out-of-control beast. The "experts" in child protection "reform" continue to suggest additional funding, improved monitoring, better screening of foster care givers, involvement by church and community leaders, and any and everything BUT holding employees accountable for the many crimes they knowingly and maliciously commit ... just because they can!
Although I disagree with journalist Jeanne Sinclair-Krause's conclusion in her book Remember Cynthia Rose, I do agree with 99.9% of everything else. She made an excellent point when examining the money given to foster and adoptive parents compared to the small amount of money it would take to actually keep families together (see pages 118 - 121). For those of you that like cliff notes, I will sum them up for you -- actually, an anonymous writer has already done an excellent job at explaining the monetary benefits to both foster and adoptive parents (once again, see Bet Cha Didn't Know ... Interesting CPS Statistics -- link below). After reading the information provided by our anonymous writer or the details researched and supplied by Sinclair-Kruase you will more than likely agree with Kruase when she says ... and I quote: "... The subsidy regulations read that adoption assistance is based solely on the needs of the child without regard to the income of the family. What an interesting government policy when compared to the welfare program that the same child's mother may have been on before losing her children, and in which she may not own anything, must prove that she has no money in the bank; no boats, real estate, stocks or bonds; and cannot even own a car that is safe to drive worth over $1000. This is all so she can collect $539 per month for herself and two children. The foster parent who gets her children gets $820 plus. We spit on the mother on welfare as a parasite who is bleeding the taxpayers, yet we hold the foster and adoptive parents [who are bleeding ten times as much from the taxpayers] up as saints. The adoptive and foster parents aren't subjected to psychological evaluations, ink blot tests, MMPI's, drug & alcohol evaluations, or urine screens as the parents are." To Ms. Jeanne Sinclair-Krause ... the only thing I can immediately think to say is YOU ROCK, You Rock ... you rock!!!
I will end by returning to Teenager XYZ's story which is also the story of many children "protected" by CPS. The agency knowingly returned the teen to the foster home which "it was known the child had been abused. The placement was supported by DHHS even though there were ongoing concerns noted on file by several workers that the adolescent child was at risk of sexual abuse by another family member, also residing in the same home." Additionally, there were "several notifications that the child was indeed being sexually abused by the family member over a long period of time." Once again I ask you, where is the feverishness by social workers to "save" this child now that he or she has been stolen from family and thrown into the homes of strangers?
For more details about Teenager XYZ, please visit,21598,20754179-949,00.html or simply click on this story's title above.
Here are the links to stories referenced above:
Foster Father is a Sexual Predator
Bet Cha Didn't Know ... Interesting CPS Statistics
Call to Action -- My Personal Story
If you believe that foster care should be reserved for children that are orphaned, or have TRULY been abandoned by their parents and ALL extended family members; If you believe that children in foster care should actually be victims of abuse and/or neglect, once proven by a judge and jury NOT a social worker with a God complex; If you believe in the Constitution and civil rights for all, no matter what their economic, social, or cultural group may be – Please sign the petitions referenced at (scroll down to Get Involved!!!). Thank you in advance for your participation!